Cuomo’s Number 7 – IOTW Report

13 Comments on Cuomo’s Number 7

  1. Question. Is America so morally bankrupt, that the sexual transgressions from a known sleezebag weigh more on the scales of right and wrong than murder?
    We should be focussing more on his crimes against humanity, than his being a ass hound.

  2. I guaran-damn-tee you that this low-live bastard is good with all of this sexual harassment accusation bee-ess. It’s all designed to divert attention from the nursing home murder charges that he should be charged with.

  3. Nothing is going to happen to this asshole. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s all an act, with Pelosi at the helm, deflecting from the murders he committed during the China flu.

  4. One of the old Bad_Brads rules of life. Never pursue a woman that out weighs you. I know, I was an asshole back then. But stop and think about it. This guys propositioned many a young woman with no success. Which leads me to believe, he smells bad. Or, they got a look at his one eyed trouser trout. His Python of love. I’m thinking it’s a malnourished Gardner snake.His Kettle Bell brothers even worse. NOBODY WANTS TO SEE THAT WEAK SHIT GUIDO BROS.

  5. Cuomo is a Gino POS scumbag but I have a few issues:

    It takes much greater courage to be the seventh accuser over the first. BS.

    The other women who I bothered to look up were a different type as Brad says.

    This girl has that look in her eyes that says, “the agenda is more important than the facts.”

    I don’t believe her but as long as someone is shitting on Cuomo I’m good.

  6. @Brad-Pepe LePew was a cartoon caricature of Cuomo. He was certain that he was God’s gift to women when, in fact, he was a stinking old skunk that repelled them. It was inspired parody and, even as a child, I understood the cartoon was poking fun at “maroons” like Cuomo. Satire is lost on the leftists.

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