Dad of Slain 6-Year-Old Flays San Francisco DA as One Adult Suspect Is Being Treated as a Child – IOTW Report

Dad of Slain 6-Year-Old Flays San Francisco DA as One Adult Suspect Is Being Treated as a Child

Federalist Papers: The disconsolate father of a 6-year-old boy killed in San Francisco says the Democrat-run city’s progressive prosecutor has made a mockery of his son’s senseless murder.

“We’re doomed as a city, especially with a district attorney like Chesa Boudin,” Jason Young told Fox News on Wednesday.

Young’s son, Jace, was shot and killed by Deshaune Lumpkin and three associates while playing outside on July 4, 2020, in Bayview, a predominantly minority neighborhood of San Francisco.

“Jace was outside playing with fireworks around 10:30 p.m. when a group … fired from across the street,” his dad said. more here

11 Comments on Dad of Slain 6-Year-Old Flays San Francisco DA as One Adult Suspect Is Being Treated as a Child

  1. Were I that guy, it’d be a tough choice for me.

    I will die avenging my son’s death.

    But I can only kill ONE of them before their Democrat minions gun ME down.

    So, die taking out the actual murderer, or taking out the Democrat DA who made him possible, and will make many MORE possible?

    …tough choice…

  2. @ Dry gulched DECEMBER 31, 2021 AT 4:34 PM

    That suggests to me that he was just hunky dory with this arrangement… but only so long as the ramifications of his decision to support what he obviously had to know he was supporting affected other people. This is typical of the progressive mentality.

  3. I am very sorry for the family of that child, but that father’s stupidity on multiple levels contributed to his son’s death.

    First of all he voted for the Marxist DA, Boudin. Second he allowed a 6 year old child to be out at 10:30 at night.

    I don’t know about the rest of you. but there is NO WAY IN HELL that I would ever allow a 6 year old child to be out, let alone even awake, at 10:30 at night.

  4. Okay, I have calmed down and had second thoughts about my first reaction. Maybe I would have allowed my 6 year old to be awake at 10:30 on July 4th.

    It just pains my soul to think that what has historically been an innocent time and event is now at risk from the evil of a Godless society.

  5. “Ironically, Young said he had voted for Boudin in 2019 because, at the time, he supported the Democrat’s lenient approach to law enforcement.”

    Sorry dude, but it’s too late for your kid and too late to get rid of the commies in San Francisco. You live in the projects, I know your territory quite well. Your Democratic government is keeping you there, they have you all in one place – you can’t afford any where else. You took the candy and now you want more, and get rid of the person who gave it to you. That about sums it up, so shut up.

  6. FYI, the reason I know where this guy lives very well is because DH was stationed in Alameda during the Viet Nam war. His ship was in dry dock across the bay, called “Hunter’s Point Shipyard.” Right outside the ship yard are the slums where this kid was shot. It’s the most dangerous place to live in San Francisco. DH and his buddies would hire a jetty to take them into San Francisco. Driver told them once situated to duck down and don’t get up until I tell you. The driver floored it all the way to the Bay Bridge. That was 54 years ago, no cops would go down there then and I can only imagine why they wouldn’t now. BTW, it was a big ass limo the guy was driving. Several sailors could fit into it making it a lucrative business if you can keep from getting shot.

  7. @erb December 31, 2021 at 4:35 pm

    > More of them have to feel the devastating effect of their ignorance before things will change.

    A truth people don’t want to believe, only makes them angry.

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