“Daddi Warcrimes” – IOTW Report

“Daddi Warcrimes”

Daily Caller

Authorities arrested Rod Webber, an artist and documentary filmmaker, for vandalizing a New York City gallery exhibiting Hunter Biden’s artwork Friday.

Webber filmed himself silently entering the George Burges Gallery where he began to spray paint the words “Daddi Warcrimes” on the gallery’s wall. A witness of the incident immediately detained Webber from behind, holding him with both arms, calling it a “citizen’s arrest.”

“You’re assaulting me, you are assaulting me, sir. Get off of me,” Webber said to the detainee, who he called “Bob”. “You have no right to constrain me like this.” More

More on Rob Webber and his performance artwork Watch

4 Comments on “Daddi Warcrimes”

  1. “Webber filmed himself silently entering the George Burges Gallery where he began to spray paint the words “Daddi Warcrimes” on the gallery’s wall.”
    His biggest mistake. If he used his own shit instead of paint that would be considered sacred artistic expression. He would be untouchable.

  2. Sound to me like Rod Webber was doing “Performance Art” as a form of protesting.
    Seems like protected speech to me.

    Like “Piss Christ” by Andres Serrano meets NY Museum of Art with Yoko Ono’s singing, combined with a BLM Rally but with less violence and a more significant message.

    Hell, I would pay to see it… esp. if they donated to proceeds to a hospital.

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