Damaged Russian Sub Linked to Underwater Drone Program – IOTW Report

Damaged Russian Sub Linked to Underwater Drone Program

WFB: Fire aboard secret Losharik vessel killed 14 submariners.

A fire aboard a secret Russian nuclear research vessel that killed 14 Russians may have been involved in secret operations by Moscow to support underwater drone operations.

Russia’s Defense Ministry said in a statement that the fire broke out aboard a research submersible designed to study the seafloor and ocean bottom on July 1, killing a total of 14 “submariners” from smoke inhalation.

The location of the accident was not specified other than Russian territorial waters with reports from Russia saying the incident occurred in the Barents Sea, and the submarine described as the AS-12, nicknamed “Losharik,” was towed to the Northern Fleet headquarters at Severomorsk.

According to state-run Russian news reports, the Losharik is designed for deep sea military missions, such as tapping into undersea communications cables.

The submarine reportedly is capable of diving to nearly 20,000 feet—deeper than other submarines can go because of the great pressures. It is powered by a single nuclear reactor and can travel up to 30 knots underwater.

13 Comments on Damaged Russian Sub Linked to Underwater Drone Program

  1. …maybe the “drones” they’re supporting are designed to go even DEEPER than the submarine can, so they can try to find any hope for their preferred candidate Hillary’s Presidential ambitions…

  2. “According to state-run Russian news reports, the Losharik is designed for deep sea military missions, such as tapping into undersea communications cables.”

    …amazing what lengths Democrats will go to with their Russian partners to try to illegally tap into President Trump’s phone conversations…

  3. Tough crowd. Nah. Fuck ’em. They are getting their footholds back in Cuba, Central and South America, destabilizing the Middle East by helping Syria with chemical weapons and Iran with nuclear ones. They murder defectors abroad in our country and elsewhere.

    They and China are the architects of the world’s misery and their goal is the end of democracy.

    My Give-A-Fuck-O-Meter is thudding below zero for the agents of evangelical communism.

  4. https://www.warhistoryonline.com/cold-war/submarine-spying-operation-ivy-bells.html .

    I recall crew members of the USS Halibut handing out fliers at traffic light intersections outside of Pearl Harbor in mid 1970s protesting that their submarine was unsafe to go to sea. I also recall seeing the sub at the submarine base with the mysterious box on the fore-deck. I had no idea what it was all about until many years later when the story was told in the book, “Blind Man’s Bluff”, the story of submarine ops during the cold war era, was published. The crew’s concern was about skipped maintenance due to sending the sub back to sea asap to retrieve the undersea cable tapping box, inside a Soviet harbor, and place a new box onto the phone cable.

  5. ” .. In the worst scenario, an attack that cut submarine cables coming into the United States could significantly harm its access to the global internet. Ordinary users would probably experience massive losses in bandwidth, particularly for services such as Google and Facebook that host much of their data overseas. Since most government also relies on commercial internet infrastructure, the outages would also interrupt official communications. ..”

    otoh, Killing Facebook might be an desirable outcome.

    https://www.lawfareblog.com/evaluating-russian-threat-undersea-cables .

  6. Apparently Russia invests in research and development, not in benefits for millions of criminal illegals and parasitic non-white, Muslim, unvetted violent immigrants being flown into the USA by the planeload. Who actually controls this country anyway? Muslims are being catered to by (((them))) whoever they are.

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