DARPA Working on Brain Chips – IOTW Report

DARPA Working on Brain Chips

Depending on one’s perspective this is either going to be a leap forward for humanity or the deepest darkest horror.


Either way the government agency that oversees military research, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is working on implanting computer chips in soldier’s brains.

The research is reportedly aimed at providing those suffering PTSD relief from the anxiety disorder.


Others are speculating that opening the brain for enhanced functioning is bound to lead to tyranny and the loss of humanity.

28 Comments on DARPA Working on Brain Chips

  1. Finally, our despotic, treasonous, murderous, thieving, lying, worthless, ‘leaders’ will have the helots they have always wanted: unquestioning, unfeeling, mindless, and reprogrammable.

    And I thought the rigged electronic voting machines were bad.

  2. “…a leap forward for humanity”?!?

    If the goal TRULY were “providing those suffering PTSD relief from the anxiety disorder,” then provide them with a free-for-life supply of beer.

    This is 1984 COMBINED WITH Brave New World.

  3. A long time ago. Not one of Crichton’s better works.

    Still a warning from the past to us today.

    I always thought it would be neat to be fixed up with a universal translator / transponder for any language.

    Then I’d be able to order dinner in Paris and swear in the vernacular at the wait staff like a real Parisian.

  4. Remember when Chuck Hagel said that China and Russia entered into a pact to make trans human soldiers and were genetically altering rewriting DNA to make the biggest, baddest, strongest soldiers in the world (and America had to get on board).

    Just recently, one of the heads of Google stated that by 2030 every human on earth would have undergone some type of genetic engineering and by 2050, there will not be one non-hybrid person on the earth.

    Our overloads are doing some incredibly horrifying, disturbing and immoral things with human DNA these days. We should beware, God wiped out humankind once before because of it.

  5. Imagine catching Jamal Jihadi off the battle field and putting some new programing in his little noggin.

    Put some C4 in his body were it would do the most good and send him back to do the afternoon prayers with his fellow seekers of 72 virgins. They could all go together in a blaze of righteous glory.

  6. @Scarlett O’Hara – Speaking of the Nephilim of Genesis & Enoch who “came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them.” Messing with the DNA indeed.

    500 separate & distinct cultures from across the planet – from Sumeria, to Africa, to the Mayans, to the Incas, to the Sioux, have Deluge memories (can’t be called “myths” – there’s no question a worldwide flood took place in the distant past) handed down through the millennia.

    It happened once (at least) & what’s happened before…

  7. If I went around saying stupid shit like that, I’d stay anonymous too. But you’re probably sitting in a comfortable chair at home typing such ignorance on your tablet without the slightest concern of being beheaded for speaking words of dissent here at IOTW. Good thing they legalized murdering jihadists, huh?

  8. This will be interesting to follow, and see where it leads. After all, it was DARPA (not Al The Goreacle) who, for both good AND ill, developed what has become the World Wide Web / internet.

    And for another scifi look at brain chipping, read Spider Robinson’s “God Is An Iron”.

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