Dat’s What We Do… – IOTW Report

Dat’s What We Do…

At least he admits it…

25 Comments on Dat’s What We Do…

  1. geoff the aardvark
    AT 9:41 AM
    “Can someone have shot or beaten the hell out of this fat black bastard.”

    …sure, if they wanted to get doxxed; thrown in jail where they will be beaten, raped, and shivved; fired immediately; their wife assaulted, their kids attacked, their house reposessed, their city sacked and burnt down, and be held up by the media as an example of White Supremacy so Democrats can use it as an excuse to take guns and more money from White people everywhere.

    Go right ahead. I’m sure his family including his long-absent father will be more than happy to have the courts give all your money and property to them, along with millions in tax money from the city, state, and federal governments so they’ll have leisure to travel to all the statues they will taxpayer commission in the fat bastard’s “honor”.

  2. That still doesn’t make it right. Maybe I am an old school believer in what is right and what is wrong, and this jerk was definitely in the wrong and should be held accountable. But fat chance given political correctness nowadays and blacks and other fringe minorities being given a pass on any kind of criminal activity. If the dude had been a fat, grossly obese, white slob wearing a wife beater T shirt, would he have been given a pass, I doubt it.

  3. Black friend of mine said the whole establishment was against him bring up his kids properly. He successfully accomplished his goal, but his resentment is far deeper than anyone else I’ve ever met. The Democrats’ goal is to push this out to every parent in the country. They are open Satanists and it’s way past time to choose sides. You either oppose them universally or you are complicit. Tolerance is not a virtue at this point.

  4. Giving away free shit doesn’t make you any freer. It only makes you more dependent on da gubmint for all da so-called free handouts. And I can guarandamntee you that any black who gets reparations money will be totally broke within 3 – 6 months and will want even more because of racism.

  5. And this then is what we do…

    Hickory massage starting with the knees (immobilized), to last as long as your energy holds out, then handed off to an associate, etc., etc.

    Speaking of energy I guess it’s time to start the trimming of the bushes. If no comments are found here again, that might have been the cause.

  6. Tim Buktu
    AT 11:35 AM
    “It wouldn’t have bothered me so much if he’d gone into a Whole Foods store and stolen a bunch of Kale and granola.”

    Just because he’s evil doesn’t mean he has no sense of taste.

  7. Diversity is our demise.

    Wait until the illegal Central and South Americans join the “Free for all”. Complete Chaos !
    Law Enforcement is nowhere to be found.

    The elite Marxists will be home safe in Martha’s Vineyard or their gated Oceanfront Mansions.

  8. If that fat kid attended the Crowd on Jan. 6th, (Not going into Congress) the Fbi would have his face posted on every webb site, caught in two days at 4am by 25 swat officers, two helicopters and he would be in jail for 5 years.


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