Day 4 of the Kate Steinle murder trial – IOTW Report

Day 4 of the Kate Steinle murder trial

KFI: San Francisco Chronicle reporter Vivian Ho joined us this afternoon with the latest on the Kate Steinle murder trial. In the fourth day of trial, Bureau of Land Management ranger John Woychowski Jr. testified that his gun doesn’t have a “hair trigger.”  MORE

5 Comments on Day 4 of the Kate Steinle murder trial

  1. Some creatures are so evil they don’t deserve to live, this pig is one of them. But, in the left’s view he was only guilty of a minor social faux pas which proves he has lots of company.

  2. “The ranger said he was confident the weapon had been stored securely in his SUV while he and his family had dinner.” So Kate was a victim of gun control. The restaurant probably had signs posted that weapons were prohibited inside the building.

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