DC Diner Selling Overpriced “Golden Showers” Burger As Mockery of Trump – IOTW Report

DC Diner Selling Overpriced “Golden Showers” Burger As Mockery of Trump

You see, the fake news is now a fact with the left – Donald Trump peed on a bed, it’s a consensus as solid as manmade global warming.

So a diner in DC, Community, is selling a burger with “golden cheese and mustard” dripping off the side. And it’s served with a small pickle. GET IT??? It’s a body-shaming joke!!! And it’s funny because body-shaming is funny!!!!

They are donating $5 to Planned Parenthood for every TWENTY DOLLAR burger sold. (If Planned Parenthood wasn’t an abortion mill, the left wouldn’t be obsessed over it. It would be like CVS discontinuing medical services. “Oh well, I can go to Walgreens.”)

The burger comes with lemonade, GET IT??, and a lemon doughnut.

You’d think that if Donald Trump was actually into Golden Showers that would elevate his standing amongst the left.

More points if he likes to pee on fetuses.


ht/ fdr in hell


12 Comments on DC Diner Selling Overpriced “Golden Showers” Burger As Mockery of Trump

  1. No thanks. I’ll grab a fast food combo deal for $4 (that’s close to just as good) and put the remaining $16 into ammo and my retirement account. Conservatives are smart enough to understand that paying $20 for a lame-assed “social comment” on our fairly elected president is just plain stupid.

    And if Trump does what I hope he will do, the idiot liberals can fight with the pigeons over the peanuts I’ll be tossing in the air for them after I retire.

  2. Just keeping the fantasy alive. Funny how all the libtard women were oh so offended by a ten year old private conversation where Trump used the P word but they are the ones that take us to the sewer regularly with their pubic hairs on coke cans, golden showers etc. Ultimate hypocrites.

  3. To make room for this new burger they had to clear off the turdburger that was on the menu for 8 dreadful years.
    It was prepare halal (which means no hand-washing by the cook), whatever pickle it had was chocolate-dipped, and it never matched the description on the menu, becuase it was typically an empty bun.
    a nothing burger

  4. $20 burger – guess that’ll help keep the mexicans out … probably no people of “color” allowed in there, anyway.
    Do they accept EBT?
    That’s probably unfair of me … I’m sure they allow the mexicans in to clean the floors and scrub out the fryers, once a month.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Twenty Dollars? For a flippin’ burger??? [one that is COATED IN MUSTARD? I mean I DO like a little bit on my burger but GEEZ.]

    I can’t wait to see the spiteful baby murderers sink like a sack of concrete.

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