Dear America: Don’t Listen To Bernie Sanders. Sweden’s Not All That Great. – IOTW Report

Dear America: Don’t Listen To Bernie Sanders. Sweden’s Not All That Great.

Conservative Review

A thriving economy, morality and a good business climate is incompatible with socialism. Only two of the 38 most successful privately owned Swedish companies were established after 1970. Today Sweden slowly moves away from the old ways, but someone who makes 2,500 USD a month will still pay 1,000 USD out of that in taxes, and on top of that 25 percent VAT. Third-way socialism (market socialism) might look good on paper, but when people lack ownership over the wealth they create, productive people will either leave or do something else. – See more

5 Comments on Dear America: Don’t Listen To Bernie Sanders. Sweden’s Not All That Great.

  1. The author failed to mention their Islamic immigration problem. The city of Malmo is now 40% Muslim, and there have been quite a few shootings and hand grenade attacks there since January 1, 2015.

  2. Allow me to CORRECT that first sentence:

    “A thriving economy, morality and a good business climate is incompatible with make socialism ‘affordable’.”

    THAT’S the part of the economic equation that filthy Marxists never get around to admitting.

  3. Socialism’s an evil scam.

    The nomenklatura live like viziers, doing absolutely nothing useful, while the great mass of humanity wallows in poverty.

    First order of business is to disarm the population. I’m betting that Sweden has strict gun control – hence – population control.

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