Dearborn still upset with O’Reilly Watter’s World Segment – IOTW Report

Dearborn still upset with O’Reilly Watter’s World Segment

DEARBORN, Mich. (WXYZ) – Dearborn residents are chiming in after a report that aired on Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor earlier this week that portrayed the Detroit suburb as a “Mecca” for Muslims, a city where Muslims control the city council and the chief of police is also Muslim. The report spawned a rash of negative comments on social media, including ones that called for Dearborn to be bombed.

The segment comes as Anti-Islamic protesters – some of them armed – are scheduled to protest at the Islamic Center of America this weekend. They are being told to bring firearms, if they are legally able to do so.

The satirical segment is not sitting well with Dearborn Mayor Jack O’Reilly.

“People around the country who have no idea who we are and have already gotten some mixed messages to say the least, are just going to have reinforced, this negative and false image of what this community is,” he said.

In the video bit, correspondent Jesse Watters is seen asking people questions like, “Do you like Christmas?” “Do you miss the desert?” “Does the FBI ever come snooping around here?” “What is Sharia Law?”

Dearborn resident Alice Alaouie said the piece was hurtful and offensive.

“I was heartbroken, I was devastated because I knew that our community was misrepresented, a lot of things were taken out of context,” she said.

Mayor O’Reilly sent a letter to host Bill O’Reilly on Tuesday, expressing his dismay at how the segment lacked sensitivity, including factual errors that Muslims control the city that the police chief is Muslim.

Chief Ron Haddad, who happens to be Christian, asks even if he were Muslim, why would that be frowned upon?

“[Dearborn] is like any other American city, it’s progressive,


Muslim or  not, I hate a progressive city, or a mayor that says they are progressive.

That’s reason enough to protest Dearborn.


ht/ rob e.

19 Comments on Dearborn still upset with O’Reilly Watter’s World Segment

  1. The percentage of moslims in Dearborn is close to 30% so i’m wondering WhyTF they’re pretending that moslims don’t control the city? Hell, a couple years ago they passed a law saying Sharia would be the law of the land there. And when Christians dare to gather they’re attacked.

    Islam is a cancer-it’s inappropriate for a Constitutional republic-and we have Jarrett/Obama intending to import 100s of 1,000s of “Syrian” refugees and seed conservative communities nationally so they can grow into more Dearborns.

    Yeah, it’s great to have another division in our culture.

  2. Progressivism is the mega-cancer that spreads over the country like a plague…. just look at all the beautiful places that have been overrun with progressives (usually leaving California after it became unlivable) — Oregon, Washington state, Colorado, even Texas.

    Islam is the ‘innocent’ handmaiden of progressivism, and once they are in the majority – forget about it!

  3. Do you like Christmas and miss sand? They should have known better.

    If Watters had to go out there, he should have used the time to drop in on a few photographers and bakeries.

  4. I’ve *been* to Dearbornistan. I did not like it, and this is why.

    It wasn’t friendly. Apparently I landed in islam central. Couldn’t get anyone to speak to a woman, couldn’t get directions. I felt lucky to get paperwork signed.
    Watters’ satire had a sting and a bite this time.

  5. Never been there. Have no intention of going.
    I did happen upon a mexican enclave in the Appalachian Mountains a few years ago and the Wal-Mart checkers spoke gibberish, not American. There were mexican flags around the town. What I would imagine being in some city’s Chinatown a century ago.

    the shoe bomber
    the Beltway snipers
    Fort hood shooter
    underpants bomber
    USs cole bombers
    Madrid train bombers
    The Bali nightclub bombers
    the London subway bombers
    the Moscow theater bombers
    the Boston Marathon bombers
    the Pan AM flight 93 bomber
    the Air France Enteebi hijackers
    the Iranian Embassy takeover
    the Beirut embassy bomber
    the Libyan embassy bomber
    the Buenos Airs suicide bombers
    the Israeli Olympic team attacked by terrorists
    the Kenyan embassy bombers
    the Saudi Khbor towers bombers
    the Beirut Marine barracks bombers
    the Beslan Russian school attackers
    the first World Trade Center bombing
    the Bombay India attackers
    the Achilles Laro cruiseship hijackers
    the September 11, 2001 airline hijackers


  7. Dearborn should be quarantined from the rest of America.

    Short of that, at least make sure that the only place people from Dearborn can travel is to Detroit. Because it’s fugged up too.

  8. @Caroleigh that list, far from a complete one is still way too long. Enemies of our freedom and liberty are actively given room to destroy at will. It’s obvious.

    For every Islamicist/Jihadist/Terrorist even Anti-American Immigrant or however they’re labeled, too many to count, are their enabler dhimmis in high places.

  9. Tracy, how right you are. The highest one being the most ignorant and arrogant Mulla al hu insane obama……. what I really can’t understand is how he’s lived so long.

  10. In all fairness to the police chief, I don’t think his use of the word “progressive” means the same thing as it does to Conservatives nowadays. I think he means “progressive” in the old, positive sense that it had before it was appropriated by the Left.

    Just sayin’.

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