Deconstructing Bill Nye as a “Science Guy” – IOTW Report

Deconstructing Bill Nye as a “Science Guy”

Milo Yiannopoulos can be a bit over-the-top catty and bitchy at times. (All right, I’ll say it, too gay.) But anyone that takes pot shots at Neil deGrasse Tyson or, in this case, Bill Nye, is okay by me.


Isn’t it amazing how all these militant atheists end up with God complexes? In the last installment of my series looking at celebrity atheist drum-beaters who pass themselves off as “scientists,” I looked at Neil deGrasse Tyson, a progressive icon who puts even my own attention-seeking to shame. Today, I’ll be ruining your childhood with a deconstruction of Bill Nye.

Let’s get this out of the way at once. Bill Nye’s primary qualification for being “The Science Guy” is that his last name rhymes with the phrase. I like to imagine some brilliant scientist named Phil Frye drunkenly ranting in a bar: “It should have been me!”


Nye’s most “sciencey” qualification is an undergrad degree in mechanical engineering. One would hope that one of the world’s foremost finger-waggers on climate change would have at least spent some of his precious carbon footprint earning a Masters, or even stretched himself for a dubious doctorate like Tyson, but alas, no.

Still, it’s a welcome relic of the 1990s that they at least found a STEM major to be “The Science Guy.” His successor will surely be a feminist art history major, or perhaps even afat studies graduate. After all, as Nye would surely agree, facts are just a construction of the patriarchy designed to keep women and ethnic minorities down.

After a career in aerospace, where he admirably made things and improved the world by enabling jet travel — well before his pearl-clutching carbon panic phase — Nye was introduced to the world of sketch comedy. Ironically, while his acting is pretty good, it was his science that would become the big joke.

As an actor playing the role of “The Science Guy,” Nye served an important purpose: getting children interested in science. It wasn’t an original idea, of course. Children of previous generations were entranced by science-themed entertainers like Mr. Wizard. At least Nye looked the part, though: he might charitably be considered a character actor for the quintessential pencil-neck geek.

As a science advocate, Nye would follow a now-familiar pattern. He would start out as a fun, harmless communicator — not a true scientist, but at least a good entertainer — and then he would get bored and turn to political grandstanding.


14 Comments on Deconstructing Bill Nye as a “Science Guy”

  1. Milo’s casting about for a word to use for characters such as Nye. I suggest scientiste.

    scientiste : scientist :: artiste : artist

    IOW, someone who is focused on being flamboyantly and arrogantly science-y instead of focusing on science.

  2. Milo’s ok in my book, even if he is a poofter. I watched an interview of his somewhere and I was impressed.

    That he bashes NDT and BN is icing on the cake. I CANNOT STAND NDT and as far as BN the SG goes, Beakman’s world was better.

  3. Nye is just a carnival barker at the tree ring circus.
    Attaching the word “science” to his name is meant to be ironic, like when advertisers insert “smart” into the name of a product, like a car or bottle of water. I suspect though, that there are some who don’t get the joke.

  4. You say “too gay” as if that’s a bad thing BigFurHat (as I burst into song bellowing “Anything You Can Do I Can Better…” while prancing around down right flinging my red feathered boa around my neck).

  5. Somebody please post the “Sir Isaac Newton vs. Bill Nye” episode from “Epic Rap Battles of History.” Weird Al Yankovic plays Sir Isaac Newton. Too funny.

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