Deep Blue Sanctuary City Footage Shows Massive Shantytown, Crime & Squalor  – IOTW Report

Deep Blue Sanctuary City Footage Shows Massive Shantytown, Crime & Squalor 

In a startling revelation of the dire state of affairs in Oakland, California, footage has surfaced revealing a sprawling ‘shantytown’ that has taken root as the city continues to spiral into a cesspool of crime and squalor.

The video, captured by Michael Oxford, host of CaliBased, on May 31, showcased a vast expanse of makeshift houses lining service roads that lead into main thoroughfares in Hooverville, Oakland. These temporary structures, constructed from wood, tarp, and other discarded materials, were surrounded by a landscape strewn with trash. more

11 Comments on Deep Blue Sanctuary City Footage Shows Massive Shantytown, Crime & Squalor 

  1. Those connected to the Democrat machine in every one of these shithole cities are getting filthy rich off of this shit.
    Todd Herman did a podcast that does the best, most concise job of laying it all out. You can search and it will come up.

    Todd Herman – How To Get Rich Using Homeless People’s Bodies and How The Same Swindle Is Being Used with Illegal Immigrants

  2. My wife’s mother grew up across the street from Lake Merritt. Millionaires row. That was turn of the century money. Gold Rush money. And I’ll be damned if the Negroes in charge didn’t wreck that shit.

  3. The democrat apparatus from Biden down to Newsome, County Gov’t. and Communities created their own problem. Our Federal Tax Dollars should not try to correct their stupidity and mismanagement of “their” problem.
    See all democrat cities, they too followed Biden and encouraged Illegal immigrants to enter their cities.
    Correct your own self inflicted problem.

    What did they think was going to happen? They knew and did anyway. Straight from Cloward and Piven’s play book.


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