Deep Fake Tracks – AI Imagines What the Beatles Would Sound Like Singing Beach Boys – IOTW Report

Deep Fake Tracks – AI Imagines What the Beatles Would Sound Like Singing Beach Boys

I’m not that impressed. I know it was going for Paul McCartney, but it doesn’t really sound like McCartney. It sounds like a guy imitating McCartney, but not from England.

The application and attempt is interesting. If it sounded like the Beatles I think I could enjoy it. Maybe.

15 Comments on Deep Fake Tracks – AI Imagines What the Beatles Would Sound Like Singing Beach Boys

  1. Not a Beatles fan, I don’t care for anything canned like that. I can’t think of anything on this planet that can be replicated perfectly. Heck, look at that artificial meat crap they’re shoveling at us, artificial sweeteners, Artifical genders. Keep believing it’s for our survival and see what happens.

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