Deep Stater Getting Dragged into the Light – IOTW Report

Deep Stater Getting Dragged into the Light


Many of the actors of the shadow government are well publicized, such as FBI’s James Comey, Robert Mueller, and Peter Strzok. However, one of the most calculating and devious is Mary McCord, who flies under the public’s radar screen. Mary McCord’s resume has deep state bonafide, and she uses it to influence and manipulate policy decision-making and to conduct slander campaigns against citizens at large who criticize the Federal government’s assault on personal freedoms. More

CTH approves this expose and adds additional material. Here

10 Comments on Deep Stater Getting Dragged into the Light

  1. Who’s next? Michael McFaul? Evelyn Farkas? Nellie Ohr? These people never go away. They just step back into the shadows for a moment, until the glare of the spotlight passes. When they step back out, it’s as if they’re born again, and as if nothing they did before is connected to what they’re doing now.

    We see them come and go, we forget about them until we’re reminded, but they continue to glide in and out of our consciousness, unaffected by consequences and blithely ignoring their recurring fifteen minutes of infamy, totally focused on the job at hand.

    We can watch, we can know, but we can’t change the ebb and flow.

  2. A French Revolution template works for me but the methodologies used in the Salem witch trials work for me too.

    The Cloward-Piven Rules for Radicals (the bible of the left) Rule 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

    The left has decided that their political enemies are guilty until proven innocent. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.


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