Dem Presidential Candidate Suggests it Would Be Justice if Reagan Library Burnt to the Ground – IOTW Report

Dem Presidential Candidate Suggests it Would Be Justice if Reagan Library Burnt to the Ground


2020 Democratic presidential never-gonna-be Julian Castro took to Twitter today to actually suggest that a wildfire currently burning in California that is threatening the Reagan Library is some kind of cosmic payback or something for their ‘climate denialism.’


There is a lot of cosmic justice that could befall Julian Castro because of his beliefs, so, I know where he’s coming from. The difference is, though, that these fires are not caused by global warming. But if he should, say, be murdered by an illegal alien, like Kate Steinle, it would absolutely be a direct result of his policies.

17 Comments on Dem Presidential Candidate Suggests it Would Be Justice if Reagan Library Burnt to the Ground

  1. It would be justice if a drug-cartel gang member in this country illegally beat his head with a bat after burning and raping anything he ever loved.

    I was going to say if he were ass-raped by a fellow democrat, but they do that recreationally.

  2. Dip shits like this don’t realize that the sleeping giant is not one of them and he is getting restless.

    “Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of a leftist scum.
    Be he alive, or be he dead
    I’ll grind his bones to make my bread”

    Memo to libtards everywhere: Never follow a beast into it’s lair.

  3. The wannabe leaders of the free world and the most powerful nation on planet earth need to up their game. It will soon be known far and wide that so-called anthropomorphic global warming is as a big a hoax as ever there was. What will they do then? The Left is one big hoax from their very inception.


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