Dem Tactics Give Them Advantage In Wisconsin – IOTW Report

Dem Tactics Give Them Advantage In Wisconsin


What The MSM Won’t Tell You About Democrats’ Voter Suppression In The Wisconsin Election.

If you’ve been listening to the mainstream media, you’ve probably heard that Wisconsin Republicans did everything in their power to rig the spring election and that it backfired when liberal Judge Jill Karofsky beat incumbent conservative Justice Daniel Kelly for a seat on the state Supreme Court. What you won’t hear from the MSM is all the Democrats’ behind-the-scenes efforts to suppress conservative voters.

The media machine predictably did Democrats’ bidding. “Republicans tried to suppress the vote in Wisconsin. It backfired,” read a headline in The Guardian. One grossly partisan article in the politics section of the New York Times explained “Why Wisconsin Republicans Insisted on an Election in a Pandemic.” Both the Washington Post and Rolling Stone claimed Republicans “exploited” the pandemic to “grab power” and “undercut democracy,” respectively.

After the Republican Party of Wisconsin suggested that actually Democrats had rigged the election, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough cracked up on air, calling the state GOP “stupid,” and saying Republicans “forced people to go out and vote in the middle of a pandemic, believing that it would lower turnout and would elect a Republican so they could purge voter rolls.” More

9 Comments on Dem Tactics Give Them Advantage In Wisconsin

  1. Voter suppression does not have to be overt prevention, like what democRATs did to the over-seas military mail-in votes (they accidentally-on-purpose “lose” them)!
    One could certainly make a valid argument that democRAT dead voters, ballot harvesting and their fraud & cheating in general is done to expressly suppress and overwhelm the legitimate voter!

  2. Why is it by refusing to allow mail in votes it affects only democrats? The same question, why is it if you are required to show up at a polling place it affects only democrats? And again, why is it if you are required to have an ID to vote it affects only democrats?

    The last I looked the freedom to move about and obtain an ID is recognized to all Americans. The last I looked the chinese virus affects all Americans the same. Democrats don’t magically get more sick. Pre-existing conditions aside.

    Is it because there aren’t 57 different gendered bathrooms at a polling place? What gives?

  3. Dems, libs, commies, Marxists, fascists, liars, bullshiters, anti-Americans, pukes….They’re all the same fucking thing…..Worthless pieces of shit made available by Satan himself for the soul purpose of destroying ANYTHING sacred and/or worthwhile.

  4. We need some strong, confident, minority community representatives coming out and demanding Voter ID. Trump will just get drilled by the libs if he alone is making it an issue. It’s past time for all people to come together and protect our country!


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