Democrat PACs Spring Up Like Mushrooms, Spreading $635 Million Of Dark Money In Key States – IOTW Report

Democrat PACs Spring Up Like Mushrooms, Spreading $635 Million Of Dark Money In Key States

Issues & Insights

News broke recently of shadowy, left-wing nonprofit network Arabella Advisors’ plans to “carpet bomb” the 2020 election, per a new report detailing the $635 million in revenues the network boasted in 2018. But the presidential race isn’t the only focus of this merry band of barely visible left-wing funders. State races are also on the menu as part of Arabella’s plans to deploy “dark money” spending leftists once defined and then decried.

From Wisconsin to North Carolina – and several states in between – Arabella’s network of some 340 pop-up nonprofits have been busy working to influence state elections even as one of the main nonprofits under the network’s umbrella, the Sixteen Thirty Fund, has given $27 million to pro-Biden affiliated PACs in an effort to boost the Democrats’ chances in the national contest. More

4 Comments on Democrat PACs Spring Up Like Mushrooms, Spreading $635 Million Of Dark Money In Key States

  1. It’s probably going to be used very effectively for them, they seem to be spending it well to explore different approaches and have lots more to pour into those approaches that produce the results.

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