Democrats’ Second Most Generous Donor’s Crypto Empire Collapses into The Void – IOTW Report

Democrats’ Second Most Generous Donor’s Crypto Empire Collapses into The Void


The 30-year-old [Sam] Bankman-Fried has been a major force in Democratic politics, ranking as the party’s second-biggest individual donor in the 2021–2022 election cycle, according to Open Secrets, with donations totaling $39.8 million. That ranks only behind George Soros (about $128 million) but ahead of many other big names, including Michael Bloomberg ($28.3 million). What’s more, he had promised to spend far more on Democrats moving forward, predicting in May that he’d fund “north of $100 million” and had a “soft ceiling” of $1 billion for the 2024 elections. More


The entire $16 billion fortune of FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried has now been wiped out, one of history’s greatest-ever destructions of wealth. More

SEC probe won’t be far behind. Here

20 Comments on Democrats’ Second Most Generous Donor’s Crypto Empire Collapses into The Void

  1. Check this out . . . Anthony Scarramucci raced to his bestfriends side in the Bahamas to help try and lickup and liquidity he could still suck. Fuck ALL the Krypto Griftin’ Monkey Fuckin’ Money Grubbin’ SCUM of this EARTH. THEY are THE EVIL ONE. Everywhere.

  2. Democrats are Environmentalists (apparently)
    Enviros want to become more energy efficient to save the planet by banning OIL, Natural Gas, Coal & Nukes
    Crypto & NFT’s Burn energy on unnecessary mathematical verification of transactions.
    Libertarians and conservatives are endorsing Crypto as a means of preserving capital & battling inflation.
    Yet “Crypto Wallets” can get lost or locked & Exchanges go Bankrupt like everyone else.
    The cost of hydro is HIGHLY affected by inflation and as energy is a DIRECT INPUT COST to MINING it should also be affected by inflation. (shit has fallen faster than real estate)

    Finally, Crypto Billionaires donate to Democraps.

    AND don’t forget ChYnA banned mining because it burned too much electricity.


    (if I had more time I would rationalize it better, but its Friday)

  3. Question:

    How well does Crypto work during a Blackout, with a dead Cell phone in Hurricane or the Texas Freeze Blackout?

    Honestly asking, since a bow, knife, animal trap,cash, rolex, Firearm, Diesel/gasoline in an automobile tank all seem fine to me in a SHTF scenario.

  4. Crypto is the “fiatest” of fiat currencies. Gold, silver and platinum are safe, solid and jot the least bit subject to the quality of politicians. Sure, governments can screw with the price to some extent but they can’t remove substantial value. No effort by the government can bring gold down to $100/oz.

  5. Something else very interesting about all these money grubbers and their orbits . . . They ALL revolve around, intertwined with or are directly related to msNBC , Bank of amerika (nothing American about that awful bunch, which is directly why THEY put it in the name, to take advantage of your patriotism) and mika and joe morning monkey show. It ALL stems from this one source. This Fountain of Evil. msNBC and Bank of amerika.


  6. This grifter used his customer’s investment money to make his own risky “investments” that sank like anchors, losing the investor’s funds. Highly illegal.
    Reminds me of Jon Corzine, governor of New Jersey about 14 years ago. As head of MF Capital, he took investor money and likewise squandered it. Corzine was a prominent Democrat, during Obama years. Know what happened to him? Nothing. He was a prominent Democrat after all.

  7. “The entire $16 billion fortune of FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried has now been wiped out, one of history’s greatest-ever destructions of wealth. ”

    HA HA HA HA HA!!! I’ve said all along that crypto is one of the biggest fucking scams.

  8. That money was never his. The corrupt left used him to acquire money from investors and he funded leftist politicians running for office with it. The stupid investors lost and the Dems won. Strategic thinking by the leftist Dems. Always use other people’s money.

  9. 1 Hour ago: Most flight tracked aircraft in the SKY BRIDGE right now is the EXFTXCEOs flight to Argentina. . . . .

    Liberal Money Funder
    On The Run



    You can’t make this shit up


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