Democrats Seek To Outlaw Suburban, Single-Family House Zoning, Calling It Racist And Bad For The Environment – IOTW Report

Democrats Seek To Outlaw Suburban, Single-Family House Zoning, Calling It Racist And Bad For The Environment

This is also happening in Los Angeles.


  • Virginia House Del. Ibraheem Samirah introduced a bill that would override local zoning officials to permit multi-family housing in every neighborhood, changing the character of quiet suburbs.
  • Oregon passed a similar bill, following moves by cities such as Minneapolis; Austin, Texas; and Seattle.
  • Proponents say urban lifestyles are better for the environment and that suburbs are bastions of racial segregation.


ht/ bubba

18 Comments on Democrats Seek To Outlaw Suburban, Single-Family House Zoning, Calling It Racist And Bad For The Environment

  1. So let me get this straight. If this happens in my town, I can knock down my house on a half-acre lot and build a three-story apartment building, in the middle of our suburb?

    And why would I do that?

    Ohhh! Profit! Watch who is pushing this!

  2. Yet I’m sure the people that are pushing these laws are elitists who live in McMansions who wouldn’t dream of having their place turned into multi-family housing.

    When they lead by example, then I’ll consider it. Eh who am I kidding, I’ll never consider it. 🙂

  3. An updated version of Jesse Jackson’s old blockbusting tactic.

    Of course this would be implemented only in the unenlightened redder areas. Mohammedans would be allowed to pack themselves into single-family dwellings. Then comes crowded house mosques on residential streets. Then comes the neighborhood sharia patrols. Then Americans start selling and moving out. Then…

  4. There is no slippery slope. The government has total control over what you can do on their property. Or the government has no control over what you can do on your property. Pick one.

  5. @John December 25, 2019 at 8:23 am

    > Red China!!

    And rulers who, when even family and friends are caught with hands in the cookie jar, get a bullet to the back of their own heads? Hmmm… I’m thinkin’…

  6. High Density Housing. A nice PC term for the Section 8 mini-plantations the Democrats reward their voters with. Of course the usual crimes that go with them are included at no cost to the resident, only the taxpayers. Give it a year and watch the left scream about white flight in one area and gentrification in another. This pestilence traveling down the East coast is gonna hit a huge road block once it gets to the bitter clingers in the southeast.

    Merry Christmas Y’all

    BTW, this is from Samirah’s own website:
    “Dentist. Outspoken patriot. Diagnosing public health, prescribing justice. Building the next Virginian decade.”

    That’s rich….

  7. Since when did my older craftsman style house built in 1918 in a well established working to lower middle class neighborhood become racist and bad for the environment? Another lousy gripe by the left because it’s not fair that some people should live in a good neighborhood which has been around for over a hundred years. They can kiss my ass, I’m not moving, I like where I live. They should be happy to know that we already have a mixed racial and ethnic neighborhood but that’s not good enough for them. I live across the street from a Catholic Church with a Hispanic Priest and an afternoon service of Vietnamese congregants. What more do these spoilsports want other than total domination of everyone who doesn’t fit into their collective Borg mold? And yes where I live was a suburb once before the city started to press out to the North and the West into newer neighborhoods.


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