Dems Go MUM on Voting Scandal in Connecticut – IOTW Report

Dems Go MUM on Voting Scandal in Connecticut

It’s funny. Elections are always on the up and up, and voter fraud is in the imagination of the right, until a dem gets cheated by a dem.


The attorneys for John Gomes, who is challenging the results of Bridgeport’s recent Democratic mayoral primary, called two key witnesses to the stand on Friday in court, but both declined to answer questions, exerting their Fifth Amendment right against potential self-incrimination.

William Bloss, Gomes’ lawyer in the high-profile election lawsuit, spent 37 minutes questioning Wanda Geter-Pataky, who sat mostly silent on the witness stand as she watched video clips that apparently feature herself placing absentee ballots into a drop box.

Bloss asked questions regarding her role in distributing, collecting and depositing absentee ballots, and 71 times, Geter-Pataky’s attorney John Gulash asserted her privilege, even for simple questions such as where her desk is within City Hall.

The only questions Geter-Pataky did answer involved her job at City Hall. She was recently placed on paid administrative leave and said she has worked for the city for about 20 years.

“I got a letter in the mail that I was on leave until the city investigation is completed,” Geter-Pataky said, confirming “Yes” when Bloss asked if the city investigation involved the absentee ballots issue.


6 Comments on Dems Go MUM on Voting Scandal in Connecticut

  1. We REALLY need to make voter fraud a capital offense.
    Not just for the stooges who execute it, but for the financiers, as well.
    There is a vast conspiracy afoot to deceive and defraud We, the People of the United States.
    And the death penalty is the ONLY solution – the ONLY thing that traitors understand.
    But it must include those who initiate and administer the frauds, not just the mules who stuff the ballot boxes and fudge the counts.
    And make NO mistake – voter/election fraud is TREASON – as it undermines the very foundations of the Republic by perverting the will of the Sovereign (which is us – see: Preamble to the Constitution).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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