14 Year-old Gubernatorial Candidate in Vermont Loses To Transexual – IOTW Report

14 Year-old Gubernatorial Candidate in Vermont Loses To Transexual

This is why the Onion is going out of business. Our real headlines are more absurd than their made-up ones.

The 14 year-old didn’t sound any different than any other dem candidate. He was running on a gun-grabbing platform. Technically, it was legal for him to run. Vermont has no minimum age.

Vermont citizens are lucky he lost. If they didn’t vote for him in the general election they would be called child-haters. That’s the way dems do things.


Sonneborn is running on a progressive platform. Among other things, he’s advocating for a worker’s bill of rights and a higher minimum wagea carbon emissions tax, and universal healthcare. He also refers to himself as a “proud backer of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All legislation.” Sonneborn’s ideas don’t stop there. In a recent debate, Sonneborn supported taxing and regulating the state’s recently legalized marijuana.

There’s a video of him at Reason. They take him seriously at the debate. They should. He sounds more intelligent than Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters Joe Biden and Occasional Cortex combined.

This is what won-

Christine Hallquist@Christinehinvt

27 Comments on 14 Year-old Gubernatorial Candidate in Vermont Loses To Transexual

  1. That’s a guy baby! A freak guy but still a guy and a rather ugly one to boot. What’s up with the left thinking that Christians are the radicals when it’s really them who are totally radicalized. True Christians aren’t calling for anarchy like Antifa etc., the radicalized left is the true enemy of all that’s good in America. I’d rather have peace, love and hope that Christianity brings than the peace, love and dope of the left. Remember and it wasn’t that long ago when we still could make fun of freaks like that and the vast majority of our culture and society would agree. Evidently not any more since the freaks are trying to take over and convince us that they’re the ones who are normal and we aren’t. Next stop Bizarro World with no chance to get off before it’s too late.


    I swear to God on High I never thought the End Times would be this funny.


    That kid is gonna’ get his lunch money taken from him for the rest of his life because he lost an election to a tranny.


    And then… gasp…. and then…. Vermont was all, “Nah we’re not crazy enough to vote for a kid, we voted for this genius over here in the dress with hairy balls.”


    Vermont…….hahahahaha…..seek counseling…..hahahahahah

  3. What is going on in Vermont? Is there something in the air or water that makes them crazy? Did he learn that insane gibberish in school or at home? On the other hand, he probably would have done as good a job as anyone they are likely to elect and worked for cheap. Do you need working papers to be governor?

  4. And right under his (the tranny) picture is why they support sharia. They think Christianity is worse and obviously know absolutely nothing about sharia or they would realize that sharia law calls for their extermination.
    So it is a case of the enemy of my enemy is my friend (for now). The only thing is, if they think the sharia loving islamists are going to back down and be quiet they are mistaken. Christians just leave you to destroy your life by yourself and islamist will destroy your life by killing you.

    @tp, when you go from NH to VT you can see the difference in prosperity levels. VT is very poor. NH is much more prosperous. You have tourist spots in VT like Stowe and a couple of well off areas like Essex or Manchester but go outside those immediate areas and you see lots of poverty. People who seem to be barely making ends meet. Their homes are in dire need of maintenance, crappy cars, etc. VT is a mess. My personal belief is that it stems from spiritual problems.

  5. The guy who won reminds me of some comedian or actor… he really looks just like him, I just can’t seem to put my paw on it… but it’s an incredibly familiar face somehow…

    [I am being completely sincere here. Help a lady out.]

  6. The remark about Christianity is an atheist talking point that I have probably seen and heard regurgitated across the internet for as long as I’ve been on it.

    It’s a sad and pathetic, and easily debunked lie. Just like his life.

  7. How do you lose to a transsexual? Are the people of Vermont that stupid? Remind me not to visit Vermont ever. And does he get the Ben & Jerry’s ice cream endorsement. I will and never have ate Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and never will. Did any one tell Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain boys about this, hell there old school enough to want to come back and kick his faggy, tranny butt clear into the next dimension of Hell.

  8. @Ted Nougat and anon
    You both had some close ones but I finally remembered who it is!
    Crispin Glover in drag is what this dude looks like. Old Crispin Glover in Drag.


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