Dems Will Impeach Kavanaugh If Given Half A Chance – IOTW Report

Dems Will Impeach Kavanaugh If Given Half A Chance

With the Judiciary committee hearings wrapping up and the prospects for Judge Kavanaugh taking his place on the supreme court, there are vows now from congressional democrats to remove him once they retake congress. More

17 Comments on Dems Will Impeach Kavanaugh If Given Half A Chance

  1. Voters would love that!

    Oh wait, voters are first going to respond to the debacle they just saw from the Dems, which means the Dems will never get the chance.

    Every Dem senator should know that if they vote 100% against this candidate that they will set a precedent, and that if there is ever a Dem president and a GOP Senate they will not get a judge confirmed during the entire term. That is the precedent the Dems are in danger of creating.

  2. My only regret is that Mr. Kavenaugh didn’t take the opportunity to say. ” I don’t know what all the fuss is about, Bill Clinton got his dick sucked in the Oval Office by a fat girl and you people didn’t see any problem in that.”

  3. The semi cretins are so hot for impeachment…
    Two “injustices” appointed by Barry are illegaL,
    He had no constitutional authority tool point anybody to anything,
    Usurper’s have no authority.
    The forged birth certificate he has on a Federal server is a forgery attested to by at least five software experts.

  4. I would have asked Ford who she voted for. If she can vote for a rapist and his fake wife in three elections, you can see what matters the most.

    Protecting women or liberal power.

  5. Wanna put an end to all this nonsense? Cut off all federal money to the abortion industry. Federal dollars go to abortionists. Abortionists send a lot of that money to democrats, who gladly take the money and fight hard to keep those laundered federal dollars coming. Communist, er, scuze me, democrats, will not cough up that kind of money on their own.

  6. Keep the right good and outraged. This is nothing more than an extension of not being able to handle losing. The tantrums, threat, destruction – who wants to vote that in again?!

  7. TO Judge
    NONE of it. Trump can walk and chew bubble gum at the same time.
    That’s coming down soon….admittedly, bit by bit. Keep the Lefties in a tizzy every day until Mid Terms and make the voters aware of the Dems’ degeneracy and danger…aaand, VOILA!

  8. So many good points made by all.

    Let us see what Planned Parenthood is going to run with on this one. If they could, they would have a liquor delivery service for all the house parties around the country held by upper-middle class teens to make sure Becky and Brittany are pregnant by 16 to keep their mills running.

    As far as Feinstein goes, even the Chinese Government knew she was going to vote No from the first day of Kavanaugh’s nomination (and they didn’t need a spy in her office to figure that out).

    They need to impeach or throw Corey Booker out of the Senate for violating rules and for his self-admitted molestations. I wish someone had said that there is a rumor that Kavanaugh, as a freshman at Yale, supposedly road tripped to Newark and bought crack cocaine from a individual named T-Bone and if Senator Booker could confirm this.

  9. I think impeaching Kavanaugh is a grand idea.
    They should initiate impeachment proceedings on the day after he is sworn into office. That would be, like, this coming Tuesday.
    They should get the ball rolling. Don’t wait. Now. Strike while the iron is hot. One for the Gipper, two for the stripper. Go for it. Please.
    But above all, do it before the November elections. Please.
    Strike while the hippocampus is fresh! Believe in the hippocampus!
    Gib me muh epinephrine!

  10. They can’t impeach him except for crimes committed in office and includes :The Constitution of the United States, Art. 2, S. 4, provides, that the president, vice-president, and civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

    High crimes and misdemeanors: The charge of high crimes and misdemeanors covers allegations of misconduct by officials, such as perjury of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, unbecoming conduct, refusal to obey a lawful order, chronic intoxication, and tax evasion.

    So our elected officials haven’t a clue….

  11. Yeah, they’re not as opened minded as they claim. Does anyone really believe any of the dems would vote to confirm if the FBI did do an investigation, and found not the slightest evidence that Ford’s accusations are true, and in addition also found solid evidence Kavanaugh’s statements are true, and he couldn’t have possibly committed the alleged crime?

    Heck no they would not. They would still vote no.

    Trump was elected. Impeach 45.
    If Kavanaugh is seated on SCOTUS. Impeach Brett.

    That’s just how sore losers roll. .


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