Deployed Soldier Has Illegal Immigrant Animals Squat (Literally) in Her Home – IOTW Report

Deployed Soldier Has Illegal Immigrant Animals Squat (Literally) in Her Home

I’m tired of being told we’re wrong when we say many illegal immigrants are animals. They are. PERIOD.

Daily Mail-

Five illegal immigrants have been arrested for squatting in a deployed soldier’s home – leaving it covered in feces and urine.

The men have occupied the three-story home in Englewood, New Jersey, for at least a few weeks as its owner, a female soldier, is stationed out of the city.

According to police, ‘the conditions in the home were deplorable throughout’, with evidence of partying and squalor.

They discovered the disgusting scene after one of the men, 18-year-old Carlos Rosales-Campos, was arrested on Sunday for armed robbery.


Evaristo Chavez, 34

Rene Contreras-Ixtla, 39

Oswaldo Meneses-Arango, 47

Rosalio Valencia-Hernandez, 49



I told the story on this blog about how I had to burst in on my tenant because he had some illegal aliens coming onto my property to pick up paychecks.

I saw one of these “dreamers” walking up the driveway and simply stop and pi$$ on it.

I went berserk. I had to be restrained.

I called the guy a f@cking animal and that he should go back to where ever it is where that is acceptable.

I said, “you knew you were coming into the house in 15 seconds. Don’t you think I have flushable toilets, you friggin retard? Maybe that haven’t invented them yet in the sh!tty little village you’re from, you sc@mbag.”

I told them to never set foot near my property again or I’d light them on fire.

11 Comments on Deployed Soldier Has Illegal Immigrant Animals Squat (Literally) in Her Home

  1. And people raise their eyebrows at “rat-people?”

    The rat-people be rattin!

    Sneak into your house. Eat your substance. Urinate and defecate wherever they happen to be standing, lying, sitting, squatting, or leaning. Roll in it. Steal everything that isn’t tied down.

    And then demand amnesty and MORE free shit?

    WTF is wrong with US?

  2. The main reason I finally moved out of Denver after living there over 30 years were because of the illegal infestation.

    They constantly filled my dumpster with crap that the company wouldn’t haul away like large pieces of furniture and mattresses. I finally had to roll it into one of my buildings at night and they would still just dump shit where it used to be!

    There was a bar on my cross street one street down that was all illegal all the time and whoa be unto you if you were on the street at closing. Did the GD police ever do shit about this? Take a fucking guess. Like most of their illegal activity, it was hands off.

    I’ve seen illegals change their babies’ diaper and just throw the full diaper on the ground and walk away.

    I had a gunfire exchange with 2 illegals on the roof of one my buildings after they kicked in the door-the cops almost arrested me for discharging a weapon in city limits.

    I could go on and on but fuck them-most of them are Mexican, there I said it and if you’ve ever been there and I ain’t talking some resort city, you know it’s fucking shit hole.

    Now tell me again why white people are so evil?

  3. Happened in NJ, reading about it from a UK news source.


    The Media played their Veterans Day PR to the max but what about this? They don’t see the need to publish this ?!

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