Depressing and Funny at the Same Time – IOTW Report

Depressing and Funny at the Same Time

I’m not really into posting a lot of these WorldStarHipHop videos, but this one was somewhat entertaining.


It seems George Jefferson got himself involved in a cat fight.

ht/ rob e.

23 Comments on Depressing and Funny at the Same Time

  1. I told you – don’t give them a handle if you want to scrap.

    While shaved-head wasn’t going to be pulled around by her(?) hair, the shirt was grab-able. Take it off, bitch, if you want to throw down right!

    Other than that, they are lousy fighters. I’ve seen 3 year olds whoop more ass than that.

    Pretty much why guys yell out CAT FIGHT! when the girls get it on.

    They so bad they funny. True dat! – check out any dudes watching a cat fight. They are laughing.

  2. Imagine a classroom with a younger version of these feral cretins and then sprinkling a few white suberbanite kids in there for “diversity” its like feeding our young to piranha.

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