Dershowitz to Stelter: ‘Radicals’ And ‘Lefties’ Are Trying To Take Down Trump – IOTW Report

Dershowitz to Stelter: ‘Radicals’ And ‘Lefties’ Are Trying To Take Down Trump

DC: Harvard professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz said that “radicals” and “lefties” are trying to take down President Trump on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” Sunday.

Dershowitz said, “I think the key point is to make sure that in an effort to get Trump, we don’t diminish our civil liberties and create bad precedents…”

“Who’s trying to get Trump?” Stelter asked.

“A lot of people are trying to get Trump, a lot of radicals, and lot of lefties,” Dershowitz said

“A lot of people–a lot of my friends and relatives are furious at me because they want to get Trump, and I’m in their way, I’m standing in the way by of getting Trump by raising Article Two issues, civil liberties issues, civil rights issues… If you don’t think there are people are out there that trying to get Trump, just like they were trying to get Hillary Clinton, people were trying to get Hillary Clinton–‘lock her up.’”  MORE

10 Comments on Dershowitz to Stelter: ‘Radicals’ And ‘Lefties’ Are Trying To Take Down Trump

  1. From above: ” …just like they were trying to get Hillary Clinton, people were trying to get Hillary Clinton–‘lock her up.’”

    That’s because the Director of the FBI (Comey) stood up in front of the entire country and recited her violations (felonies) of USC 18, which should have immediately resulted in indictment and criminal prosecution.

  2. We don’t know how to “get” anybody!
    It looks as though we’ll never know how to “get” anybody either.
    Blatant felonious activities by the left and it looks like we will never “get” any of them.

  3. Note to Dershowitz: A crowd shouting “lock her up” is not the same as a pre-dawn raid at your home by government minions. Call me when David Kendall’s door is broken down and his shit carted away.

  4. Playing hide the salami with a porn star, while a private citizen.
    Pretty much defying the entire election finance law, while a government official or candidate.
    Using your office as a clearing house to grant paid for favors.
    Big difference, Eraser Head.

  5. Radicals and Lefties comprise the entirety of the Media and the Deep State (and all career bureaucrats).

    Comey the Commie admitted that all his ‘evidence’ on Trump is UNCONFIRMED, yet he puts it out there every chance he gets. He is on the record stating that Hillary ‘probably broke the law’ and admits that he didn’t pursue prosecution SOLELY for political reasons “yeah, I guess”.

    WTF more needs to be brought to light that there are people tormenting our civic institutions solely to hamstring this President, while they impede (illegal act) the disclosures require to prosecute criminal activity by public officials???


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