Designs for next-gen missile defense interceptors pass key review ahead of schedule – IOTW Report

Designs for next-gen missile defense interceptors pass key review ahead of schedule

Defense News: WASHINGTON — Two Next-Generation Interceptor designs under development as part of a competition to replace ground-based interceptors in the U.S. homeland intercontinental ballistic missile defense system have both passed a key review.

The Pentagon chose Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman to go head-to-head in a competition to provide a Next-Generation Interceptor, or NGI, to replace current interceptors in the ground at Fort Greeley, Alaska, and at Vandenberg Space Force Base, California, that make up the Ground-based Midcourse Defense System, or GMD. GMD is designed to defend the continental U.S. against possible attacks from North Korea and Iran.

Northrop Grumman and its teammate Raytheon Technologies announced the completion of its system requirements review in a Dec. 20 statement. Lockheed Martin completed its SRR in October. The Missile Defense Agency approved the SRRs ahead of schedule. more

9 Comments on Designs for next-gen missile defense interceptors pass key review ahead of schedule

  1. Iran already has ValJar here, no missile required.

    And Pedo Joe is burning the country down MUCH more efficiently than any NK missle could, and all the big target cities are more Communist than THEY are, so why would they want to waste fissile material on them…


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