DHS grants Syrians temporary amnesty – IOTW Report

DHS grants Syrians temporary amnesty

WT: Homeland Security granted a new temporary amnesty Monday to more than 8,000 Syrians living in the U.S. right now, saying they can remain for up to 18 months longer no matter what their legal status.

Secretary Jeh Johnson issued “temporary protected status” to Syrians, saying that if they are in the U.S. as of Monday and continue to reside here permanently, they can apply for work permits and other documents to remain and live in the U.S. without fear of being ousted.

His order applies to some 5,800 Syrians who were granted status under the original 2012 TPS program, and 2,500 new arrivals who don’t have a more permanent status here.

“Syria’s lengthy civil conflict has resulted in high levels of food insecurity, limited access to water and medical care, and massive destruction of Syria’s infrastructure. Attacks against civilians, the use of chemical weapons and irregular warfare tactics, as well as forced conscription and use of child soldiers have intensified the humanitarian crisis,” Mr. Johnson said in announcing the new program.

Those eligible for TPS include any Syrian illegal immigrants who have managed to sneak into or remain in the U.S. beyond their visa expirations over the last four years.  MORE

4 Comments on DHS grants Syrians temporary amnesty

  1. If it ain’t a bill passed by the Klown Krew in Kongress, and signed into law by BOdaPrez, any “regulation” or “ruling” issued by JJ and DHS don’t mean shit. And after 20 Jan 2017, when The Donald is sworn in as President, it will mean less than shit. Whale shit.

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