Diamond & Silk dispute Zuckerberg testimony: ‘Have not communicated’ with Facebook since ‘unsafe’ determination – IOTW Report

Diamond & Silk dispute Zuckerberg testimony: ‘Have not communicated’ with Facebook since ‘unsafe’ determination

American Mirror: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified to Congress today that the company contacted pro-Trump Diamond and Silk to reverse a punishment against the duo — a claim they dispute.

“Just so you know; We have not communicated nor have we talk(ed) to Mark Zuckerberg or any @facebook representative,” the duo tweeted Wednesday night.

“Our last communication with FB was on Thursday, April 5, 2018 and 3:40pm when they emailed us and said: “We were unsafe to the community.”

That’s in direct opposition to Zuckerberg’s testimony earlier today to members of the House of Representatives.

When being questioned by Rep. Joe Barton, Zuckerberg testified that Facebook has “already got in touch with them…” MORE



12 Comments on Diamond & Silk dispute Zuckerberg testimony: ‘Have not communicated’ with Facebook since ‘unsafe’ determination

  1. Why wouldn’t mz lie? He’s not under oath, he’s in a room full of liars, and people like Clapper, Comey and others have set the president that’s it ok, a no consequences event.

  2. they emailed us and said: “We were unsafe to the community.”

    Diamond and Silk are unsafe to the “community” of anti-American Marxists that run Facebook. They are causing others of African decent to think and become woke. That is a serious threat to the Marxist fundamental transformation of America.

  3. Obviously Suckerberg didn’t get in touch or have anyone get in touch with D & S. When He was shown their picture and asked if he knew who it was, he asked if it was D & S.


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