Did Biden DOJ Look the Other Way When Maine Shooter Warned Over a Month Ago He Was Going To Commit a Mass Shooting? – IOTW Report

Did Biden DOJ Look the Other Way When Maine Shooter Warned Over a Month Ago He Was Going To Commit a Mass Shooting?

What happened?


Cops visited Maine gunman’s home SIX WEEKS before massacre after worried soldier warned he was going to ‘snap and commit a mass shooting’

  • Maine police were alerted weeks ago about the shooter’s threats and even paid a visit to shooter Robert Card’s home, but he could not be found
  • Card, a firearms instructor, had made threats against his military base and fellow soldiers leading to authorities to increase patrols around the base 
  • Card was sent to a mental health facility for two weeks after displaying erratic behavior and expressing intentions to carry out a violent act on a military base 

Police across Maine were alerted just last month to ‘veiled threats’ by the U.S. Army reservist who would go on to carry out the worst mass shooting in the state’s history, after concerns he would ‘snap and commit a mass shooting‘.

It was just one of a string of missed red flags that preceded last week’s massacre at a bowling alley.

The revelations came as more than 1,000 people packed a cavernous church on Sunday night, with hundreds more spilling outside, to hug, sing, weep and seek comfort in the wake the state’s most deadly mass shooting.

A letter from the National Guard shared by a fellow guardsman noted how they were ‘concerned that [the reservist] is going to snap and commit a mass shooting.’

Sagadahoc County Sheriff Joel Merry, whose jurisdiction includes Card’s home in Bowdoin, said the Army Reserve tipped off his department in September to the reservist’s threats but when he wasn’t there, the case was set aside.

‘We added extra patrols, we did that for about two weeks. … The guy never showed up,’ said Jack Clements, the police chief in Saco, home to the U.S. Army Reserve base where Card trained. 

The sheriff then sent the awareness alert to every law enforcement agency in the state after his deputy came back empty-handed from a welfare check to Card’s home.


They should have said he left a noose in Bubba Wallace’s NASCAR garage. There would have been teams of FBI agents swarming.

I can’t help but think that leftists in the DOJ think that tragedies are good for their political aims. With every mass shooting 2A and the constitution become imperiled.

They are not protecting the constitution, they seek to dismantle it.

15 Comments on Did Biden DOJ Look the Other Way When Maine Shooter Warned Over a Month Ago He Was Going To Commit a Mass Shooting?

  1. No, we watched him the whole time as we whispered into his ears about what we wanted him to do so we could see his reaction and be sure he was programming correctly.

  2. Types of snap:

    Snap, crackle and pop
    Ginger snap
    Snappy dresser
    Oh, snap!
    Snap decision
    Snap happy
    Snap out of it
    Snap someone’s head off
    Snap to it
    Snapped up
    ‘snap and commit a mass shooting’

    Types of sap:

    Joe Biden

  3. Of course they looked the other way. That’s all the feds do now. They want horrible things to happen; so they can oppress all the normies and steal everything they have left.

    Once you understand that the federal government is run by people who absolutely HATE average, functional, legal Americans, then everything that happens anywhere makes total sense.

  4. Probably did look the other way. He wasn’t professing to be Christian or a Trump supporter.
    Maine lost tons of cops and medical people because of General Millstone’s vax dictates so now our local law enforcement is understaffed and overworked with the thousands of illegals from Africa who have been brought here at the guv’s request.

  5. Aiding and abetting murder is what everyone and anyone involved should be chrged and vigorously prosecuted for. They should all be locked up for the rest of their natural life as a clear and present danger to innocent people. They absolutely and with 100% certitude knew what he was going to do and thought they could capitalize on his Marine background and exploit the death of dozens, if not hundreds, to advance their agenda. There really is nothing mort to it than that.

  6. Did Biden DOJ Look the Other Way When Maine Shooter Warned Over a Month Ago He Was Going To Commit a Mass Shooting?

    Does a Hobby Horse have a hickory dick?
    (Jill knows)

    “Never let a good crisis go to waste”
    Don’t have one? Make one… or just let one happen!


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