Did Fox or the GOP Set Up These Ambush Questioners At Tomorrow’s Debate? – IOTW Report

Did Fox or the GOP Set Up These Ambush Questioners At Tomorrow’s Debate?

Michelle Malkin

As I noted on Twitter this afternoon, the Fox News/Google GOP debate tomorrow will feature three YouTube “stars” who will have the special privilege of asking questions of the candidates.  – See more

Here are the profiles of 2 of the questioners:

Dulce Candy entered the U.S. illegally from Mexico in 1994.

Nabela Noor is an outspoken Muslim activist:


Mark Watson seems to be a techie that does hi-tech product reviews. He seems like a nice enough guy in his videos. I wonder what his angle will be?


25 Comments on Did Fox or the GOP Set Up These Ambush Questioners At Tomorrow’s Debate?

  1. This should be a real hot potato for those candidates that do show up.

    Watch them direct all the loaded questions to Ben Carson, they accuse him of being ungrateful for all the attention when he objects to the set up.

  2. Whoever gets the R nomination is going to get this crap eventually. Part of me says bring it on and lets slap this crap down now. And i mean this, WHOEVER it is. Because when there’s only 2 on the stage, its coming. In spades. And this is what bothers me about the whole Megan Kelly issue. Do you really think Hillary News Network wasn’t going to ask those questions ? It would probably go something like this :

    Mr Trump, can you hold this nail while Hillary pounds away at it with a 5 pound sledge for 30 minutes ?

    Let’s make the case, moderators be damned. As an aside, I hate that snarky ass response Fox gave Trump, even though hes not my guy it was unprofesaional as hell and he didnt deserve that. Otherwise we are going to have to make it later on anyway when the true fangs come out. This isn’t the real heat. This is only lukewarm.

  3. At some point it will dawn on a lot more people that those who have been manning the ideological guard posts, training their ideological weaponry at us in the politically correct, progressive, globalist, America Bad/Everyone Else Good, gulag, have abandoned their posts and run for the exits.

    We’re on the verge of this, guys! Everyone writing about and questioning why? Why don’t the establishment politicians, media and everyone downstream of them understand why Trump is so popular? Why, every, single time he says something outrageous do his numbers go up? Why? Why? Why?!

    Oh, they know why. They do.

    If we’ve seen it once, we’ve seen it a million times. The addict breaks down in defeated sobs at his admission. The criminal bares his soul and rats out his accomplices to a sympathetic interrogator, the mistress feels old and used when realizing he’s never going to leave his wife.

    Oh yes, they know. They just haven’t experienced the catharsis of confession yet. It will happen, but until it does they will get unbelievably desperate.

  4. know what? ….. Trump may be setting a precedent ….. phuck the so-called ‘debates’. Do we really need them? Seriously, everyone just sits around waiting for the ‘gotcha’ moment anyway ….. spare me.
    The only winners are the networks & they are in collusion. Need any more proof than what we have witnessed since Clinton pandered to the ‘pony-tail guy’? …. Obama & Crowley in cahoots? the bullcrap from the last demonrat ‘town hall’? … phuck them too.
    Who needs any of this phony, staged horseshit?

    oh, & it looks like the muzzie chick’s has had a little too much pork in her diet …. jus’ sayin’

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