Did he say Führer? lol – IOTW Report

Did he say Führer? lol

HT/ C. Steven Tucker

40 Comments on Did he say Führer? lol

  1. Actually, we have more democracies than we did fifteen years ago. And Beijing Biteme is trying his hardest to add the United States of America to that growing list.

  2. Instead of Seig Hiel, Sieg Hiel in Der Fuhrer’s face like in the Spike Jones song we should all sing loudly and proudly LET’S GO BRANDON to joey’s face with very loud and obnoxious farts blown in his general direction as a sign of our disapproval of this fake presidunce.

  3. If there are fewer – and looking at a lot of ‘western’ countries it certainly appears so – it is because of the UN, American Democrat Commies, and people like Soros, Gates, Zuck. So what are you complaining about Joe???

  4. Another paid actor.

    I think it makes him mad because he must know, on some level, that he’s not worth listening to. C’on, man, his biggest campaign crowds were all the people who got off the bus with him.


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