Did Obama’s suit against Arizona accidentally screw sanctuary cities? – IOTW Report

Did Obama’s suit against Arizona accidentally screw sanctuary cities?

PatriotReport: Mayors from sanctuary cities are all lining up to stomp their feet and harrumph over Donald Trump’s decision to withhold federal funds for their lawlessness.

Of course, nobody is being a bigger drama queen than Bill de Blasio.

But, see, I have a question. Maybe there’s a legal eagle reading this who can answer it for me.

Remember back in 2010 when Arizona enacted SB-1070?

This was the “Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act.”

In effect, it was the state of Arizona taking the initiative to enforce immigration laws since Obama refused to.

Naturally, the Obama Administration sued them.

The case made it all the way to the Supreme Court.

And SCOTUS ruled that when it comes to immigration enforcement, the Executive Branch has plenary power. Therefore, Arizona didn’t have the right to do something that went against what the Executive Branch was doing.  more

11 Comments on Did Obama’s suit against Arizona accidentally screw sanctuary cities?

  1. BFH -The executive branch has plenary power over enforcement.
    Whether this includes the power to withhold funds would be a second opiinion, and that one would cost you.

  2. These mayors and other state and municipal officials are violating federal law. Why haven’t US Marshals arrested them for federal prosecution. Start with the big mouths the rest will fall in line in a New York minute.

  3. Yeah, I remember the SCOAMF on the tarmac with his stinkfinger in Gov. Brewer’s face. And knowing that he had just skittered down the airplane steps makes it even worse. I hope the JEF is hooking and slicing his way through his vacation, and Fox is in the clubhouse everywhere he plays.

  4. The short answer: You betcha! And the ability to withhold funds from the cities may not be totally according to Hoyle (Nixon tried to do a line-item veto of budget items he didn’t agree with in the Dem Congress budgets and SCOTUS said “No”.), but DJT has a phone and a pen, and to make it absolutely legal, Congress can grant him discretionary powers just to be safe.
    I’d love to see Billy “Warren Wilhelm” deBlasio have to eat shit!

  5. He doesn’t have to withhold the funds as punishment, he can simply use federal agents to go and enforce the laws already on the books. If the mayors do something, say, refuse to allow feds into a building to arrest someone that broke a federal law, they can be arrested for obstruction of justice and prosecuted in federal court. All above board and totally without squashing states rights. Would be nice to see De Blasio frog marched on camera.

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