Did the FBI Sit on a Computer Containing Evidence of Hunter Sex Tape and Biden Burisma Corruption? – IOTW Report

Did the FBI Sit on a Computer Containing Evidence of Hunter Sex Tape and Biden Burisma Corruption?

PJM: One of the strangest details of the exclusive New York Post story involving the recovered data from a computer linked to Hunter Biden is the story of the laptop itself and what is alleged about it. You can read about the evidence alleging that Hunter Biden was trading influence with foreign actors in Matt Margolis’s piece here. But what also interested me was the part of the NYP investigation where they claim there’s a sex tape and pornographic photos starring Hunter on the laptop—and the FBI knew about it in December.

The computer was dropped off at a repair shop in Biden’s home state of Delaware in April 2019, according to the store’s owner.

Other material extracted from the computer includes a raunchy, 12-minute video that appears to show Hunter, who’s admitted struggling with addiction problems, smoking crack while engaged in a sex act with an unidentified woman, as well as numerous other sexually explicit images.

The customer who brought in the water-damaged MacBook Pro for repair never paid for the service or retrieved it or a hard drive on which its contents were stored, according to the shop owner, who said he tried repeatedly to contact the client.

The shop owner couldn’t positively identify the customer as Hunter Biden, but said the laptop bore a sticker from the Beau Biden Foundation, named after Hunter’s late brother and former Delaware attorney general.

Photos of a Delaware federal subpoena given to The Post show that both the computer and hard drive were seized by the FBI in December, after the shop’s owner says he alerted the feds to their existence.

Let’s forget for a moment that there’s reportedly a video of Hunter Biden smoking crack and romping with hookers on the laptop. That’s par for the course, isn’t it? more

21 Comments on Did the FBI Sit on a Computer Containing Evidence of Hunter Sex Tape and Biden Burisma Corruption?

  1. and when the time is right, I will release the data of the evil bad people I have on back up as well.
    So, don’t fuck with the IT guy!
    he has all your data!

  2. Whatever happened to those brothers from India that were the Democrats’ IT guys, all the time selling information to foreign enemies? What did the FBI hide from that investigation?
    Do you believe the FBI didn’t have Hillary’s 33,000 e-mails?
    Or data from the dozens of destroyed phones?
    Or some of the data destroyed with the Mueller phones?
    There was a time the FBI had a stellar reputation. (Before Obama)

  3. He’s not struggling with addiction. He is loving every minute of it.

    The FBI allowed the impeachment of this President when they held the exculpatory evidence.

    Normally, I would say they were too busy driving terrorists to Draw Mohamed contests so they could shoot the place up or investigating mass murders in Las Vegas while never establishing a motive and simply missed it. But in this case I think they actually just sat on it and remained silent.

  4. Why did Bush make Mueller FBI head in ’01?

    FBI has been, and remains, solid DEEP STATE for at least 18 years!

    For anyone willing too pay attention the last 20 years your header is “out in left field”!

    FBI is UNIPARTY ! Has been since Bush!

    Edit button worked!

  5. Covering for him? you bet they were. Not only that but a couple of the FBI goons dropped a not so subtle threat: “if you keep quiet nothing will likely happen to you”

    Safety tip from law enforcement? no way, that was letting him know he messed with the wrong people.

  6. The FBI, our version of Gestapo and NKVD, has been corrupt since its inception.
    The only discernible difference is the press it receives. It used to control the propaganda put out by it, but now seems to have some leakage, or seepage, of facts. Maybe it’s a question of integrity? Maybe indoctrination?
    It’s possible that with their lowered “standards” they hire sloppier people?

    Strzzkk and Page surely had a problem in keeping their fucking mouths (and fingers) shut. That they’ve abandoned any semblance of law-enforcement and are now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Totalitarianism, Inc. is no longer in doubt.

    They, and the other treasonous “Deep-State” agencies, need to be disbanded – which, of course, is easier said than done. Murderous traitors seldom just pull up their pants and go home.

    And we need to stop that “… the DECENT 99% of them …” bullshit – the fact of the matter is that there hasn’t been so little as a single “turn-in-the-badge” protest over the agency’s traitorous activities.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. The FIB has been a joke for years, agents losing their guns, destroying crime scenes, etc. Now they are telling people that “white militias” are the biggest threat, which they are to the shitbird deep state politicians who really need to be dancing on the end of a rope.

  8. I always bring up the Book “Official and Confidential” as an insight into

    the FBI….They’ve always been corrupt.

    They never acknowledged the Mafia in the 60-70’s….Or the Clinton Mafia in

    the 80’s-2000’s….They sure can crush the little Guy though.

  9. Let’s recap…

    In the last year, the FBI has watched:
    -Weiner sexting naked selfies to teenagers
    – Hillary Clinton in yoga pants
    – Bill Clinton and many others raping children on Epstein’s Island
    – Hunter Biden’s drugged up sexual escapades

    …and done NOTHING about ANY of it.

    …the ONLY possible conclusion is the FBI guys are nothing but a bunch of perverts who only watch for prurient reasons, then laugh at us as they shield their leaders and draw huge paychecks and pensions at our expense…

  10. CCNV
    OCTOBER 16, 2020 AT 7:35 AM
    “The FBI isn’t interested in the laptop or what’s on it. They are going to go after and destroy the person who turned it over…just wait and see.”

    …concur. The FBI as currently constituted exists for the sole purpose of collecting and destroying any evidence against Democrats, as well as discrediting and imprisoning anyone who brings it or has knowledge of it.

    That guy’s in for a very bad time.

    …as are we ALL, if the FBI has anything to say about it…

  11. The FBI led the Russian Collusion Hoax on behalf of the Clintons, and withheld the Biden evidence from Congress so that they could Impeach a President for something the Bidens were guilty of doing. Comey and Wray colluded with Trump’s enemies.

  12. I’ve developed a seething hatred for that deceptive scumbag Barr.
    People keep waiting for something to be produced by his so called investigation and it already has……nothing!


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