Did This Sandwich Shop Employee Stay So Calm Because He Knew The Thug’s Pistol Jammed? – IOTW Report

Did This Sandwich Shop Employee Stay So Calm Because He Knew The Thug’s Pistol Jammed?

ht/ bad brad

26 Comments on Did This Sandwich Shop Employee Stay So Calm Because He Knew The Thug’s Pistol Jammed?

  1. A fine upstanding negro did this ?
    Imagine that…
    Got a dirty glock from carrying it around
    in a pocket full of lint/grit and too lazy
    to properly clean it.

  2. The ha ha part of this story is FOX News and their affiliates started showing that video yesterday morning. They still haven’t figured out that gun wasn’t in battery.

  3. It all looked so routine, so unoriginal. Only the idiot with the gun seemed to put any energy into his performance.

    The clerk seemed to insult the guy by pulling the register out and trying to hand it to him. Where did this take place, Detroit, Chicago?

  4. Thank God for dumb niggers who don’t know how to operate.

    This is the same kind of indicted felon retard in my town that would get out on bail, with an ankle bracelet on his leg, and try to buy a gun from me through the use of a federal form 4473.

    Maybe this guy should run for Mayor of Stockton, CA.

  5. The gun didn’t run because it was black and poor. Therefore, The Congressional Black Caucasians must pass a reparations bill subsidizing gun manufacturing, distribution and cleaning for black guns.

  6. It doesn’t matter about being “in battery” or not. Even with no gun – give him the money in the till.

    It’s just money and doesn’t even belong to the guy who was threatened.

    Out-of-battery can be quickly corrected and you’re dead. Not getting that point of view. Maybe “tough guys” just can’t see that for all their ego in the way. Not like the JJ employee was strapped and ready to plug the guy. Not that kind of scenario at all.

  7. And YOU’RE missing the significance of this. Defensive Hand Gun instructor emphasize visualization. Like Mattis says have a plan to kill everyone in the room. So lets take the clerk out of the equation. The crook just threw himself into one half of a gun fight. Regardless of whether the gun is in battery, he’s acting aggressively, his finger is hard on the trigger, he’s poked the clerk in the face with the gun, and he’s agitated. I’m definitely of the opinion this guy could start shooting and is an imminent threat.
    That malfunction just gave me time come out on the winning end of that gun fight. That’s the real point here.

  8. Guess he doesn’t have to worry about paying the rent anymore. Least not for a while.

    B Brad, I take your point, but if the kid were to do that, he’d get fired in a heartbeat, dragging along a bad reference. Not complying with company policy or somesuch.

  9. “So lets take the clerk out of the equation”

    You just changed the whole scenario. Irrelevant.

    “That malfunction just gave me time come out on the winning end of that gun fight. ”

    For you, yes. Not everyone is as awesome as you.

  10. “For you, yes. Not everyone is as awesome as you.”

    That’s not my problem dick weed. It’s yours. I train. Had there been a CCW there it would not have been irrelevant. Pretty cowardly to use Anonymous when you want to take a swipe at someone here. Some might even call it chicken shit.

  11. The drama of the bitch pulling the slide and
    not letting it slam is a steven segal thing. Too
    bad the register kid didn’t have a weapon handy.
    Stovepipe boy will enjoy prison now.

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