Did Trump Forget He’s a Republican? – IOTW Report

Did Trump Forget He’s a Republican?

Is this petty of me to highlight? Is this just a slip of the tongue? Or is it something more?

ht/ Vietvet (he caught this)

26 Comments on Did Trump Forget He’s a Republican?

  1. I guess that’s an acceptable explanation.
    I don’t think this is sinister and Trump is actually a democrat who is fooling everyone into voting for him so he can suddenly spring a progressive agenda on everyone.
    That makes little sense.

    But this slip of the tongue was interesting in that “my Muslim faith” kind of way.
    It’s fair game.

  2. I heard it when he said and I immediately understood it as him meaning it’s not just “him/us” the RNC is screwing its the entire field of so called repubics. They are destroying their own for their personal greed and corruption. And the career insider flunkies are going along with the suicide

  3. I will bash all the quarterbacks on my favorite team when they screw up but in the end, I will always root for them!! (as an aside, I will not tell you my fav team, because I think BFH would ban me 🙂

  4. I heard today that this two kids won’t be voting for him because they didn’t change parties in time. Trump isn’t Evil Hillary but he did say that she would make a fine president or vice president. I really don’t understand why the locals here are so blind to him. I know he flies around in a jet with his name on it but that really doesn’t qualify him. Posters here are so gullible to fall for his flamboyance. Shallow,

  5. talking fast, squeezing info in a short program, I’ve gotten confused like this. Everyone has if you want to be truthful. I dont hear anything sinister.

  6. If it was Fox & Fiends, then I have to go with innocent verbal error. But he schedules a lot of interviews over the phone and this one was such. And my next question would be which interview did he have before, how long into the interview did he say it, and what was said in his prior interview if there was one that morning?

  7. If he runs as a Democrat, I will vote for him. But you all have him pegged now. Fuck me. Mean while Teddy is sucking Turtle Boys thing. If you think Cruz hasn’t sold his sole, to lose mind you, you gotta a mother thing coming. I almost look forward to it.

  8. Moetom
    April 12, 2016 at 12:40 am

    I know what he meant. He’s fighting the RINO elites.


    What’s wrong with that? I’m fighting against them as well. However, I guess my vote doesn’t matter.

  9. He spoke truth from his heart, just like Obama did with the ‘my muslim faith’ truth. He’s not on our side. Never has been.

    Implosion in progress. Deny it, spin it, excuse it all you want but it will get worse and Clinton will be the final nail in the coffin.

  10. republican or democrat, who can tell the difference based on actions and results of both parties policies?

    I have never been under the impression trump was republican or democrat. trump strikes me as an American who sees through the false opposition dynamic of the “two party system”.

    I hope he doesn’t self identify with the republicans, when did the republicans ever really have the conservatives or Americans backs?

    trumps appeal is he’s not a politician and he’s not running to get richer.

    the terms republican and democrat only mean “bigger government” to me.

  11. Not more than a few months ago, his supporters got upset if you called him a RINO. Now they’re the ones defending him by calling him a RINO. Welcome to Bizzaro World.

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