Dirt Bags Use National Mall as a Dirt Track – IOTW Report

Dirt Bags Use National Mall as a Dirt Track


Riders can be seen on the street, on a sidewalk and then on the grass near the Washington Monument. Bystanders can be seen watching as the group off-roads onto the grass.

The clip went viral on social media, with many viewers outraged by what they saw.

17 Comments on Dirt Bags Use National Mall as a Dirt Track

  1. Meh. The White House is disgraced with a demented pedophile every day even as the Capitol is a foul, drunken sump of corruption and treason.

    The Democrats shit on our entire nation every day.

    Doing donuts on the national lawn just makes it fit the quality of the tawdry trailer park tramps posing as solons that befoul the rest of it.

  2. @Smarter Than a Circus Dog…

    Just search this: nbc4 dirt bikes on mall

    Then search this: off-road vehicles swarm city streets

    It’s all “local news stories” but it’s everywhere, for a long time and always the usual suspects. That’s why you never hear about it.


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