Disney Hires Former Obama Spokeshole for PR Position – IOTW Report

Disney Hires Former Obama Spokeshole for PR Position

National File:

The last several weeks have characterized as a public relations nightmare for Disney. After Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB1557, the Parental Rights in Education Bill, into law, Disney made their displeasure with the new law very clear. Subsequently, Christopher Rufo and other journalists obtained a large collection of footage in which Disney employees discussed the culture at their company. The company does not hide the fact that they are fully embracing a far-left, LGBTQ-friendly agenda. Critics have described Disney’s actions as “grooming” young kids.

To combat the negative press that the company has recently received, as well as the significant backlash from many parents, Disney has initiated a new PR campaign that includes the hiring of former Obama Administration spokeswoman Kristina Schake as new Executive Vice President of Global Communications. more

14 Comments on Disney Hires Former Obama Spokeshole for PR Position

  1. Disney can do all the PR they want, but everybody knows now that they’re a nest of Leftist Pedophiles, Pedophile Wanna-bees or Pedophile Enablers. Putting that tooth paste back into the tube is going to be a Yeoman’s effort!

  2. Oh, THAT’S a step in the right direction! Hiring an O’Bozo DildoCrat pedo enabler as PR for an pedo enabling entertainment company.

  3. Hire someone from the party of cheats, sexual predators and pedophiles to combat Disney’s grooming & pedo image problem… ROTFLOL Why let another fox in the hen house?


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