🔥🚨BREAKING GRAPHIC: This woman wheeled a dead man into the bank and tried to get him to 'sign off' a loan in her name while holding his head up.
— Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives (@dom_lucre) April 17, 2024
Footage showed the woman telling the dead man to grip hold of his pen hard as she placed it between his fingers and encouraged him… pic.twitter.com/72jo6JrwBC
28 Comments on *Disturbing*
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“Afterward, she harvested his vote for joe biden*”
Did she use a gub on the teller? What a maroon.
No wonder she got caught, she forgot to include 10% for the big guy*
I’m speechless. Secession is the only way out of this madness.
So Brazil has their own version of “Dr. Jill”?
Taking a cue from our very own ‘Weekend At Biden’s’ handlers.
Gads, he looks more alive than wrecking-ball-biden.
Pretty much how the Retarded Pedophile Usurper operates.
Nothing to see, here … move along …
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Also, he just voted… Democrat.
Sounds like Brazilian Portuguese The tellers are saying, He’s not well.
He must not have been dead for too long. Rigor mortis not set in yet.
Kinda the same thing they’re doing with Biden.
THURSDAY, 18 APRIL 2024, 6:05 AT 6:05 AM
“He must not have been dead for too long. Rigor mortis not set in yet.”
…rigor mortis doesn’t last forever. The body can become flaccid again a day later, although also getting a bit whiffy…
…I don’t know anything about Brazil, but I suspect it’s pretty universal that a bank won’t give a loan to a customer that doesn’t respond, move, blink, or breathe at any point in the process, and I’m surprised it got as far as signing things unless the bank just had a morbid curiosity about how she’d try to pull that off, or were just possibly humoring a clearly dangerous person until the cops could get there…
…also, chick must have been super desperate. She would have had to strip him and wipe him down to get rid of that final evacuation smell, and isn’t THAT a spicy meatball. Also, dead people don’t always close their eyes and can’t hold their mouths shut, and dead eyes don’t look like live ones so it really wouldn’t
be hard to tell during those rare moments when she holds his dead head up…
81 million people refuse to believe he’s dead.
THURSDAY, 18 APRIL 2024, 7:03 AT 7:03 AM
“81 million people refuse to believe he’s dead.”
…the puppeteers do a more convincing job with Pedo Joe…
Once we allowed the most obvious fraud and theft to stand, everything else is on the table.
Shitpants Potatohead is the figurine on a cake baked at least 20 years ago.
Weekday at Bernacita’s
I was waiting for that move reference to appear.
Bank? Looks like Motor Vehicles Dept office to me.
There’s brain dead and then there’s brain dead.
She was just imitating a scene from Monty Python And The Holy Grail of bringing out the dead for a trip to the bank. “He’s not dead yet.” Oh, yes he is.
THURSDAY, 18 APRIL 2024, 1:49 AT 1:49 AM
“Afterward, she harvested his vote for joe biden*”
Just one?
I’m reminded of the Monty Python “Dead Parrot” sketch.
Ah, the Norwegian Blue who was pining for the fjords.
I signed three pieces of legislation on April 13th (1945)
with the help of Eleanor and Grace Tully. No reason to let a BP of 300/190 go to waste.
Maybe she’s trying to finance the guy’s floor fight for the Democrat nomination.
F.D.R – you need to get out more often!