Do Arabs have the balls to call the Muslim Brotherhood, Terrorists? – IOTW Report

Do Arabs have the balls to call the Muslim Brotherhood, Terrorists?

Gatestone Institute

Will Arabs Have the Courage to Label Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Group?

Buoyed by the Egyptian move, Palestinian and Jordanian political analysts have urged their leaders to to seize the opportunity and crack down in Islamists in their countries.

The ball is now in the court of the Arab League, which is entitled to ask Arab Leaders to enforce the 1998 counter-terrorism treaty that would block funding and support for the Muslim Brotherhood. Jordan’s King Abdullah and PA President Mahmoud Abbas can use the treaty as an excuse to outlaw the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

The Egyptians authorities have officially labeled the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group, triggering a debate as to whether other Arab countries should follow suit.

The decision was taken in light of Muslim Brotherhood’s alleged responsibility for a series of terror attacks against Egyptian civilians and soldiers.

The question being asked today in the Arab world is whether other countries will take similar measures against Muslim Brotherhood groups and branches.

Buoyed by the Egyptian move, Palestinian and Jordanian political analysts and activists have urged their leaders to seize the opportunity and crack down on the Islamists in their countries.

But for now it seems that most Arabs, especially the Jordanians and Palestinians, are reluctant to follow the Egyptians — the reason why this week the Egyptians urged the members of the Arab League to enforce a counter-terrorism treaty that would block funding and support for Muslim Brotherhood.



8 Comments on Do Arabs have the balls to call the Muslim Brotherhood, Terrorists?

  1. A better question: In what way do the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood differ from the goals of the typical Muslim?

    An even better question: What are we going to do about it when they commit the next atrocity?

    BTW, not all Arabs are Muslim. Most of the Christian ones have left for the New World and nearly all the Jewish ones have all fled to Israel. Christian Egyptians excepted, but thy are not Arab.

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