Do Not Fall For the “Universal Basic Income” Scam – IOTW Report

Do Not Fall For the “Universal Basic Income” Scam

UBI is a program whose advocates say would reduce poverty by providing everyone with a basic economical foundational starting point, as a way to stimulate the economy.

Gallup says almost half of Americans support the idea.

Forget discussing the economic merits, whether they exist or not. The main problem is that if this was ever implemented, it would only be a month before it was modified and means tested. Before you know it, there would be a cutoff, right about where most middle-class people are, and what you’d be left with is simply wealth redistribution on a massive scale.

The left are cute. It’s the people on the right, who support this, that are not so cute.

ht/ meerkat

30 Comments on Do Not Fall For the “Universal Basic Income” Scam

  1. For many decades I’ve been
    a Science Fiction reader.
    “Basic” as a government stipend
    to silence poorly educated masses
    of people boxed in cheap gov’t
    housing and cheaper drugs to stay high was often a theme.
    It never worked out well.
    We have it in part already and
    just look at the destruction it
    has caused in our cities. Now
    multiply that by 100. It’s UGLY.

  2. UBI assumes people with money will do good things with it. That assumes responsibility with money, but the two don’t go hand in hand. Proof is the monthly payment. How about instead of $650/month, switch that to $7800/year. Watch how fast it evaporates.

    Same as reparations. I’ve said it all along – Just give them what they want, a cool million or three, whatever. No way to put someone in the poorhouse faster than a large chunk of undeserved cash. Give them what they ask for, they’ll be sorry they got it.

  3. Bread and circuses.

    “We want to relieve want – not to supply indolence.”

    Let’s just rename “Slavery” “UBI.”
    Fuckin retards gonna retard – imbeciles gonna imbecile – thieves gonna thieve.

    How do you suppose this would “impact,” say, Nancy Pelosi, as opposed to a guy totin bricks for a living?
    We never learn; we never – FUKKIN – learn.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @eternal cracker p February 28, 2018 at 9:05 am

    > UBI assumes people with money will do good things with it.

    Here I thought you were going to point out that the pols who charge you a hundred dollars because your moped exists, will demand three hundred when you’ve got all that “extra” money. The guy that rents you a cot in his garage will decide you can afford to pay more. The guy that owns the hamburger franchises in town hasn’t been “able” to increase prices in a year. Oh, and the “community training center” can no longer cover their costs on just the government “education” grants they recieve, so now you get to “contribute”.

  5. Do you think there’s any chance that the almost half of Americans that support UBI are the same people as the almost half that don’t pay any income taxes?

    What are the odds, I wonder?

  6. I’m pretty sure that giving people a small handful of money for doing absolutely nothing will encourage them to go out and get a job and forfeit their free money….no, seriously…stop laughing!

  7. @Irate Nate February 28, 2018 at 12:51 pm

    > I’m pretty sure that giving people a small handful of money for doing absolutely nothing will encourage them to go out and get a job and forfeit their free money…

    Actually, that’s the point. Instead of “find a place that will take a government check for your rent – up to this amount”, “buy food that’s on The List – up to this amount”, “tell us how much money you earn – so we can cut you off”, and all the other forms that keep apparatchiks hired (I can’t bring myself to call them “employed”), everybody (almost all the “plans” use everybody, just like Social Security, for all the same reasons), gets a check. The same amount on all the checks. And then they can do what they want with it. Which might lead to a lot of “poor” choices. But if you cut back on the rent, you can spend it on food, instead of it “just going to waste”. And if you work, at all, ever, that’s all more money. No claw backs. You might claim that the pay’s not enough to roll off the couch for. But you’ll never be able to claim that it will cost you more, in lost dole, to show up to work.

  8. @Burner February 28, 2018 at 4:18 pm

    > Anonymous – it’s not “instead of”, it’s ‘in addition to…’
    > You actually think the gimme class will give up anything so they can have UBI?

    “In addition to” for the multiple government corporations that are paid to be “involved”. If a city does UBI, that doesn’t disemploy the county, state, federal, “non”-government, nor even the current city companies. If it’s the county doing UBI, again, all the current apparatchiks keep getting paid to shovel paper, some of which is going to be checks. That’s actually where you’re going to find near infinite friction. Nobody cares what the recipients want. Not even their political ranchers. But, do you think the government unions are going to accept a computer, somewhere, just sending out the same amount, to the same people, every month, no (dues paying) human intervention required? How many poverty pimps can hustle the same people for just one check a month? You’re right to expect wailing about the horrors of rolling current programs funding into UBI. But it won’t be any recipients that are being heard about it.

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