Does Erdogan Want To Be Sultan? – IOTW Report

Does Erdogan Want To Be Sultan?

Democracy is like a train — when you reach your stop, you get off.

CounterJihad […] Erdogan paints himself as an ally to the West, but he’s unquestionably an Islamist using the democratic process to transform a once secular-democratic country of the Ataturk tradition to an authoritarian Islamic state that punishes dissenting opinions.  Journalists, politicians, academics, military figures, and religious leaders alike have suffered under his rule.

Freedom House, an independent organization that monitors freedom and democracy, labeled Turkey as “Not Free” in 2016 – receiving poor rankings in different categories such as legal environment (26/30 with 30 being worst), political environment (30/40 with 40 being worst), economic environment (15/30 with 30 being worst), and press freedom score (71/100 with 100 being worst). Freedom House explains that constitutional protections such as freedom of press and expression are subverted by “the penal code, the criminal procedure code, and the harsh, broadly worded antiterrorism law that essentially leave punishment of normal journalistic activity to the discretion of prosecutors and judges.” For example, in 2015, Turkish authorities charged three Vice News journalists on terrorism related charges.  They have since been released with the help of freedom and human rights organizations.

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What I suspect was in his hat.

13 Comments on Does Erdogan Want To Be Sultan?

  1. is the external power turned back on at Incirlik airbase? Anyone here know? I’ve looked around and not found an article more recent than last saturday. If not, everything has to be flown in?

  2. Who does this remind you of? Hillary might well say the same thing some day, if sheis elected.

    ““There is a president with de facto power in the country, not a symbolic one. The president should conduct his duties for the nation directly, but within his authority. Whether one accepts it or not, [the] administrative system has changed. Now, what should be done is to update this de facto situation in the legal framework of the constitution[.]””

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