Donald Trump Gagged by New York Court, While He Seeks to Move Case to Federal Court – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Gagged by New York Court, While He Seeks to Move Case to Federal Court

Washington Examiner

Former President Donald Trump’s attorneys plan to push back against the possibility of a gag order placed upon their client in the Manhattan indictment for hush money payments, saying that placing a “muzzle” on the former president is unprecedented. More

Washington Examiner

Former President Donald Trump’s attorney said Thursday the former president wants to shift his New York criminal case to federal court in a bid to avoid a state court trial slated to begin early next year.

Trump attorney Todd Blanche said in a Thursday hearing that the former president’s legal team plans to file a motion seeking to have the case transferred to a federal court, according to multiple reports. More

9 Comments on Donald Trump Gagged by New York Court, While He Seeks to Move Case to Federal Court

  1. “Bragg’s office accused Trump of orchestrating a “catch and kill” scheme during the 2016 presidential cycle to identify negative stories about him and pay large sums of money to bury them from public view.”

    As opposed to Joey, who could rely on the media and the entire federal security apparatus to bury negative stories about him.

  2. What will the NY Shitty courts do if PDJT decides he doesn’t want to be muzzled?
    Especially if what he says exposes the perfidy and hypocrisy of the court?

  3. I think I’ve got this right. It’s OK to try Trump in the court of public opinion but not OK for him to defend himself there. That sort of seems like the bizzarro world I live in.


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