Donald Trump Wisely Refuses Intel Community Briefing – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Wisely Refuses Intel Community Briefing


President Trump told the Daily Mail during an interview that he now declines intelligence briefings by the U.S Intelligence Community.  This is the most exceptional news in a long time.

I have researched the Intelligence Community, aka Deep State apparatus for many years.  What President Trump outlines in that response is extremely accurate.  The evidence for the corrupt and false presentations from the aggregate IC can be found in the example of 51 intel officials saying the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation.  They did not misspeak, they lied. More

7 Comments on Donald Trump Wisely Refuses Intel Community Briefing

  1. …IDK, might be some value to letting them THINK you still trust and respect them, at least until youre in a position to neuter them…also, could be a good reverse barometer, listen to what they say and expect that the OPPOSITE is true…

  2. He won’t be missing out on anything by refusing IC briefings; Everything they would brief him on will come out anyway in their mockingbird media. Hopefully, he’ll have a few loyal sources of his own within the IC.

    What worries me imore is how they’ll go scorched earth again on anybody who dares to work for him. They’ve got the Nevertrumpers and neocons using job carrots to lure away tired, weak sisters like Kelly Conway, and they’ve got deep state operatives with lawfare sticks to pound on anyone who might accept an appointment by PDT. And that’s assuming these people successfully run the nomination gauntlet.

    It’s not that PDT hadn’t learned to play the game better, it’s just that they’ve had four years to rig it even more.


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