Donald’s Leased Jet Grounded – IOTW Report

Donald’s Leased Jet Grounded

The FAA has ordered that the aircraft Donald Trump has been using this political season, a Cessna Citation X, not fly until it is re-registered properly.


The registration on the aircraft expired two months ago and the owner is now working on getting the proper paper work filed.

Mr. Trump still owns a Boeing 757-200 and a couple of helicopters, so he’ll probably still make all his scheduled campaign events this week.


So why he using a leased Cessna?

33 Comments on Donald’s Leased Jet Grounded

  1. You know why it was grounded rather than just cited?
    This was in the news back in February. Trump just blew it off, just a rule you know.
    His other planes are registered.
    Why not this one? Well, this one belongs to a company solely owned by Trump, so he has to personally manage it. I won’t get into why Trump did that, the Trumplings will start calling me names again, but it is easy to look up.
    This does, though point to the kind of manager he is.
    In a positive way, don’t you know. 🙂

  2. Why do Trump supporters want to hide so much information about Trump?
    Are they afraid people will see past the smoke and mirrors?
    I want a bright light shone on anyone asking for my vote, a guy whose supporters keep pushing into the shadows doesn’t give me much confidence that something real bad is not being hidden.
    Also, yes I am a Republican. Abigail, it matters not to me that you don’t like Republicans. You can fight to the last breath trying to defeat Republicans, but we will not tire of pushing you back in your Democrat (or Progressive, or Socialist, or whatever you are) hole.
    Don’t worry, Czar will lower the lotion down to you.

  3. Thirdwin, Hillary is not competent to solely manage a jet.
    At least she accepts some, if very few, of her limitations.
    I remember when the bar was set at beating Hillary. The bar ended up so low that we got Obama.
    But what the hell, why not do it again, right?

  4. I hear the Cruz hired a marketing/psychological warfare firm out of London – SCL (Strategic Communication Laboratories) Group.

    I wonder if they have sockpuppets posting transparent anti-Trump propaganda all over the alternative news sites?

  5. I realize that the lefties here do not understand how business works, so this is for the Republicans here.
    Bear with me.
    Trump talks about ‘self financing’ even though he is taking in large amounts of money.
    What he is really doing is paying himself to run for office and adding millions to the bottom line of companies he owns. When a sleazeball like Cruz needs to fly, he has to take money and give it to an airline or charter plane. Trump writes the check to himself.
    Trump uses a separate wholly owned company to avoid the corporate limits on political donations.
    He enriches himself in similar ways through literally hundreds of different mechanisms.
    Unlike the primaries, this is a game where Trump knows the rules well and how to game the system to his advantage.

  6. I assume Trump is using the small business jet to fly in and out of smaller private airports and to be able to access smaller airports in more remote towns and cities.

    The plane is leased, it doesn’t belong to him. The owner of the plane is responsible to keep the registration current and is working on it in the mean time.

    I thought the article interesting in how the Trump campaign keeps running into hitches and difficulties – like trying to send a message to their delegates in Washington state but instead sending it to Washington D.C.

    Or making errors in Colorado about who are their actual delegates

    You know, the system is RIGGED I tell ya! and its the fault of the RNC if Donald Trump has the nomination stolen out from underneath him.

    It’s not because he didn’t put together a competent team to manage the states or a decent ground game. Nope – its all rigged.

    Like Cruz getting more votes in Wisconsin than Donald got in New York, yet Trump received almost double the number of delegates.

    I’m telling ya – the system is Rigged, it’s corrupt and there’s going to be trouble in July if Trump doesn’t get his way. I don’t know who is going to cause all the trouble but it won’t be Trump’s fault.

    Oh, I forgot to mention- you know who else got more votes in NY than Trump, Hillary and Bernie – each individually out polled him. She doubled his votes, Sanders also beat him soundly.

    So why does NY get so damn many Republican delegates to hand out to Eastern politicians?

    I tell ya the system is RIGGED, its corrupt and the will of the people is going to be unrepresented this year because the nominating system is so bad in the Republican Party.

  7. My Mom drove around town for a WHOLE YEAR with an expired driver’s license without a clue. If she were running for President I’d have her on death row. Trump needs to drop out NOW.

    (Eye roll)

  8. #NeverGOPInc. So why does NY get so many more Republican delegates than other states with more Republicans voting in the primary ?

    I mean it’s all about who can get the most votes in the primaries, right? Democracy in the raw, right?

  9. @JohnS – and the only thing Cruz has is his record in the Senate – like the time Turtle McConnell screwed him on a vote as payback for being a butthead – I would call that far more relevant than expired registration on an old jet that gets minimal use anyway

    P.S. – Did you take over for BOOM as Glen Beck’s IOTW troll handle?

  10. #NeverGOPInc No, I’m making a point about the nomination process and providing another perspective on “unfairness” and “rigged.”

    I am also laying down a marker so that if Trump does get the nomination and turns out to be as God awful as I expect, I will have stated clearly my dislike of the man.

    Yesterday he took aim at the GOP abortion platform that has been in place since 1984.

    At best, Trump is a squishy East Coaster, Mitt Romney type RINO with a little Nationalism mixed in to appeal to those in fear after 8 years of Obama.

    At worst he’s a Democrat and Protectionist who has hi jacked the party and is going to jettison the Conservative wing just as fast as he can if he gets the nomination.

    That said, he’s still preferably over Hillary – but not by much.

    That’s my opinion, maybe he’ll prove me wrong.

    I’d rather have someone who’s been more consistent in Conservative Principles- Ted Cruz

  11. Dr Tar — Ted Cruz’s spearheading Corker/TPA/TPP, his stand on immigration “reform” are not “consistent ‘Conservative’ principles.” Cruz also voted against doing anything about China’s currency manipulation when he had the opportunity and he didn’t object to allowing China a back door into TPP when it is passed. All these things combined with the burden of quid pro quo he now has with the many high rolling PAC donors — some who are money managers and investors in oil, gas, energy and one whose been under investigation for hiding his wealth offshore — makes it impossible to assert that he is some kind of conservative warrior cut from Founders’ cloth. I do not understand how anyone calling themselves a conservative denies these things about Cruz. The only conclusion I can reach is that those supporters do know all of these things about him but are so attached to The Republican Party they are just party stooges. And that’s why they absolutely hate Donald Trump. Trump is the anti-Party rule candidate.

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