Dossier fails the test of time; Trump-Russia collusion claims now called ‘likely false’ – IOTW Report

Dossier fails the test of time; Trump-Russia collusion claims now called ‘likely false’

WaTimes: Yahoo News’ Michael Isikoff, an early public conduit for Christopher Steele’s anti-Trump dossier, now says the former British spy’s sensational Russia collusion charges lack apparent evidence and are “likely false.”

As Election Day loomed in September 2016, Mr. Isikoff was the first Washington journalist to write about Mr. Steele’s memos. He focused on Mr. Steele’s contention that Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page met with nefarious operatives of Russian President Vladimir Putin during a publicly announced trip to Moscow in July 2016.

As reported by the Daily Caller, Mr. Isikoff this month told Mediaite columnist John Ziegler: “When you actually get into the details of the Steele dossier, the specific allegations, we have not seen the evidence to support them, and in fact, there is good grounds to think that some of the more sensational allegations will never be proven and are likely false.”

Mr. Isikoff is best friends with Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson, who hired Mr. Steele in May and June 2016 with money funneled through a law firm from the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Mr. Isikoff was one of a handful of mainstream journalists who met with Mr. Steele in Washington as arranged by Mr. Simpson.

Mother Jones magazine’s David Corn wrote the second Washington dossier story based on an interview with Mr. Steele, who acknowledged he was desperate to stop the Trump campaign and prompt the FBI to ratchet up its investigation.  MORE

10 Comments on Dossier fails the test of time; Trump-Russia collusion claims now called ‘likely false’

  1. NOW false? They never had a shred of evidence.

    Don’t sign ANYTHING President Trump until they agree to the wall, which Mexico will pay for indirectly many times over eventually.

  2. Doesn’t matter. They won’t stop. At best they hoped for impeachment. At worst they’ve done their best to hobble his agenda. They’ve just gotten to naked selfies. They have yet to go through the stool samples they’ve collected.

  3. Keep up the good work in 2019 democRATs! Keep up all the false accusations and world-class Projection! Keep Mueller and his shit-show in business producing nothing but inuendo to feed to your knee-pad Media! Keep on shoveling yer bullshit propaganda down the throats of unsuspecting suckers watching CNN and MSNBC! Show the world how you can go full Socialist-Communist with your totalitarian demands and anti-American agenda. Let´s hear more of yer silly, 57 gender bullshit and mindless prattle from Planet Vacuous rendering real terms like Racist, Nazi, iSlamophobe, Klansman, White Supremacist, Misogynist, Sexist, Xenophobe, Homophobe, etc into total meaninglessness because you throw them around as a poor substitute for a cogent, rational argument! Keep on dividing America with yer fabricated “victimhood”, “racism” and “White Supremacist” foolish twaddle. Let’s see more of yer Snow Flake Army of mentally ill Transgenders, screaming me-me mushroom-heads, Trump-haters and laughably stupid, bird-brained, communist morons like the Occasiontal Cortex representing the democRAT platform! Keep it up until you have turned most of America into just one more of your many miserable, run-down, shot-up, burned-out, phucked-up, poverty-stricken, crime-ridden, rat-infested, urine-soaked, feces-friendly, certified “Shit-Hole” flagship Plantations that you´ve run for over half a century with total democRAT domination with absolutley nothing to show for it except abject filth and corrupt cronyism filled with worthless, federal tit-sucking voters with food stamps, endless hand-out programs and Escalades driving us ever closer to Venezuela! Just open the borders to anyone, mail out those absentee ballots to everyone on the planet, deep six the Military votes and keep stuffing the ballot boxes with yer so-called “ballot harvesting”.
    Yeah, keep it up ya dumb Commie D-rat-dip-shitz! Good people are catching on!

  4. Failure Bob Mueller


    Perpetually unemployable Bob Mueller
    needs to retire on whatever he has to retire

    He is now a professional


    He was given one mission
    and that was to destroy
    President Trump

    And he has FAILED
    and failed miserably

    Enjoy your undesired retirement
    Mr Mueller

    And take it before you can be
    sentenced for a CRIME.

  5. ” … likely false”????

    who wrote that horsecrap? Snopes?

    ” … likely false” … like saying the Cardiff Giant was ‘likely false’
    like saying ‘Benghazi was a result of a video’ was ‘likely false’
    like saying ‘if you like your health care, you can keep your health care’ was ‘likely false’
    like saying ‘I have Native American ancestry’ was ‘likely false’
    like saying Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate is ‘likely false’
    like saying the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh were ‘likely false’
    like saying Ted Kennedy was not guilty of at least Manslaughter was ‘likely false’
    like saying the reports that AlGore is a genius are ‘likely false’
    like saying that Joe Biden can walk & chew gum at the same time is ‘likely false’
    …. on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & ….


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