Dots Connect Members of Senate Select Committee On Intel With Coup Plot – IOTW Report

Dots Connect Members of Senate Select Committee On Intel With Coup Plot

Sundance has posted a long, complex narrative that connects the dots between power democrat senators (Feinstein and Warner, in particular) to leaked FISA warrants. Remember James Wolfe, the senate staffer who was convicted of passing restricted documents to a female reporter for sex (Ali Watkins)? Sundance believes it was a cover story to protect  democrat senators on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI).

Given the documents and communications made public so far and the few details leaked about the Durham investigation, clear links can be drawn between Fusion-GPS, Bruce Ohr and members of the SSCI. Here

10 Comments on Dots Connect Members of Senate Select Committee On Intel With Coup Plot

  1. Ya know, I don’t really care if the members of the criminal cabal at the FBI go to jail, that was never going to happen anyway. I just want Durham to find the truth.

    It’s possible that many (or some) of the things we think they did, they didn’t do. Unlike those rat bastards on the left, I believe in the presumption of innocence. But I want to know, the people have a right to an honest objective accounting of the conduct of all civil servants. If laws were broken, rules were broken, even established protocol, we need to know.

    Those culpable need to exposed and shamed. Trump needs to be re-elected and that can be accomplished in no small part by exposing the other side for the duplicitous coniving criminals that they are.

  2. @Rich Taylor – those involved in criminal activity need to be more than exposed and shamed. They need to do hard prison time like any of the rest of us would do if charged with the same thing. Otherwise, the crooks will keep on crooking until we are toast.

    I’d prefer public execution for treason, but that probably won’t happen.

  3. @Justin Case October 21, 2019 at 4:30 pm

    > we need to bring back the GUILLOTINE

    There aren’t enough trees, to turn into lumber, to build the number of guillotines you’d need, from sea to shining sea.

    (we do, however, have quite a surplus of Chinese shipping containers)

  4. Burr appears mixed up in this as well.

    Always wondered why other committees in the house and senate were working on this but Burr’s wasn’t. Now we know.

    Seriously folks, we’re nearing the point of “short rope meets tall tree” if Barr doesn’t turn this crap inside out. People are pissed.

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