Dozens of Sex Toys Mysteriously Wash Up on Italian Beach – IOTW Report

Dozens of Sex Toys Mysteriously Wash Up on Italian Beach

Dozens of massive dildos mysteriously wash up on an Italian beach forcing lifeguards to ban kids from bathing

ht/ fdr in hell

22 Comments on Dozens of Sex Toys Mysteriously Wash Up on Italian Beach

  1. “The only sex toy I have ever heard of is a dildo and I’ve never seen one in person.”

    Wish I could say that. Many a pest job I’m in their bedroom and one (or more) is either on the night stand, under the bed, or behind furniture when it fell.

    Pretty damn awkward when it gets exposed during an inspection and she’s right there next to me.

    I much prefer finding the stashed pistols. Safer too.

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