Drama Queen Harry Will Livestream His Therapy Session – IOTW Report

Drama Queen Harry Will Livestream His Therapy Session

Prince Harry really just wants you to leave him alone.

So this Saturday, the Duke of Sussex will unpack all of his emotional baggage with renowned trauma expert Gabor Maté during a live, virtual event.

And you can buy tickets to this “intimate conversation” for just $33!

In the interest of privacy, Prince Harry recently released a tell-all memoir documenting everything that has ever happened in his life, including how he lost his virginity and the time he got frostbite on his penis. (Luckily, those were two separate incidents.)

Ticket prices to Saturday’s event include a hardcover copy of Harry’s book and the ability to submit a question for them to address during their hour-long chat. more here

24 Comments on Drama Queen Harry Will Livestream His Therapy Session

  1. Don’t believe I’ve ever seen a man so emasculated by a woman in over 70-years. I believe, if memory serves me correctly, the Vietnamese term loosely translated is “mama peck”. His wife must be very talented in at least one thing. What a wimp.

  2. I’ve always left him and his harlot wife alone, don’t care what they’ve done or will do.
    There are many others who are psychological misfits in the news Far more interesting.

  3. Well my morning didn’t start off too well, but after reading this, I LMAO! Someone will pay the $33, secretly film it, then release it to the public. That’s how it will work. Harry had to stay out in the public, Markle demands it. It will be all about them. According to Don Lemon, Markle is beyond her prime now, she’s an old lady. Older than Harry, so, they’ll lose their irrelevancy or any that’s left soon, it’s already happening. Harry and Markle lost their free housing, they have no place to go. Boo whooo. P.S. It has backfired on them. 🙂

  4. @Goldenfoxx:

    …so, they’ll lose their irrelevancy or any that’s left soon, it’s already happening.

    They will never lose their irrelevancy. (-:

  5. Another case of “life imitating art.” One would think, after the South Park video, he would become a hermit for the next couple of years. Talk about an attention whore…geez.

  6. So what’s next with this horrid couple. Selling their children’s used baby diapers.

    Maybe selling their own used toilet paper? It’s really difficult to see the circus that is their life.

    If Barnum and Bailey were still viable, they’d probably sign on.

    How about the USA share their highnesses with a Russian Circus.

  7. As a last desperate act of attention, I predict before 2033, Harry will jump off head first from the top of the “H” on the Hollywood sign. He’ll have Meghan Merkin video the whole incident and sell it to the networks for $100,000.

    In a suicide note Harry writes: Meghan can’t get any acting jobs and William won’t even answer my calls, let alone lend me any more money. I seem to have less value than a horse turd in front of Whitehall. I never asked to be a fucking royal, so you can all just bugger off.


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