Dried Out Crypt Keeper calls Tucker a ‘white man with a small penis’ – what did he do to deserve THAT? – IOTW Report

Dried Out Crypt Keeper calls Tucker a ‘white man with a small penis’ – what did he do to deserve THAT?


During a panel appearance at Tina Brown’s Women in the World Summit with other guests including Teen Vogue editor Elaine Welteroth and “Black-ish” actress Tracee Ellis Ross, Von Furstenberg referred to last December’s Carlson clash with Teen Vogue writer Lauren Duca as she attempted to defend the man who bullied and hectored Ivanka Trump while on a plane with her children.

When Duca called him a “partisan hack,” Carlson finished the interview by telling Duca to “stick to the thigh-high boots. You’re better at that.”

Duca can be heard calling Carlson a “sexist pig” as her mic was being disconnected.

So, what did Von Furstenberg have to say about Carlson’s retort?

“It’s only the vengeance of the white man with a small penis.”


So, body shaming is okay again?

You lefties are hilariously hypocritical.

33 Comments on Dried Out Crypt Keeper calls Tucker a ‘white man with a small penis’ – what did he do to deserve THAT?

  1. Her real name: Diane Simone Michelle Halfin.
    What do you expect from FAKE royalty and who speaks as she is.

    From the look of Von Furstenberg, it’s been a while since she has had a real penis, but a frequent use of a strap-on facsimile.
    As her real name identifies her, Only half-in.

  2. Leftists have become so unhinged they can’t even make a valiant attempt to make a cohesive factual argument. They sound like preteens with their silly generic personal attacks and naming calling. Come on guys come up with some new stuff to entertain us already.

  3. Feminists are hateful people. Ugly, vicious, resentful and cruel.

    But they’ve blown their wad and have nothing left to offer by silly “so’s your mother” retorts.

    With any luck, their hatred for men will mean they no longer reproduce.

  4. They can’t be hypocrites. You’re missing the setting. They are in a safe zone. You can’t criticize them when they are safe.

    Carlson doesn’t have a safe zone, he’s a white, straight conservative male. Safe zones were made to protect against the Carlson’s of the world.

    When in a safe zone it’s okay to talk in any manner about anyone who is not included in the safe zone. Carlson will not and can not by definition be afforded these same rights.

    Now you know the rules of the safe zone.

  5. Diane who? Ohhhh, the has been over priced fashion “designer”.
    Well, let’s turn this around and see if she (or any other Libtard) can take it as well as she can dish it….”white woman with small teats and a dried up kunt”.
    All you feminazis out there keep bitching (see what I did there?) about equality. Well, there you have it. Deal with it.

  6. She’s just a dried up old woman who’s desperately trying to hold on to relevance in a fashion world increasingly run by the young. Hop on a panel and say something outrageous, that ought to get her a few more days in the sun. I noticed that a Blackish actress was on this panel as well. I’ve watched the pilot and one other show and it is the most racist thing on TV today or has ever been on. The racism isn’t even played for laughs (although the network bills this as a comedy). Do yourself a favour and spend ten minutes watching this tripe just to see the lengths that liberals will go to stir up the race pot in America.

  7. We all know Lefties are useless, and couldn’t mount a decent argument, if was saddled and they had a leg up.

    That said, I can’t stand Tucker Carlson, he’s a smarmy, conceited little prick. I can’t stand to watch him, even when he’s right.

  8. Von Fürstenberg is a perfect example of the kind of degenerate, upper class, old money, trust fund brat pieces of fucking dog shit that have abused their inherited power to turn western civilization into a goddamn cultural sewer. There is no white trash more twisted and white trashier than the ne’erdowell, drug-addled children of the super rich.

  9. Agree with Lance B. Well stated. They drive around in their Mercedes and lecture flyover country hillbillies like me about my truck or using my furnace or getting on an airplane (commercial, BTW). THEY SUCK. Oh, and they always were picked last on the sports teams, too. That old bag Von Furster ain’t been laid since the 80s and I pity the poor bastard that was drunk enough for the dirty deed

  10. Tucker’s comment about “stick to thigh high boits” was in reference to an article written by his guest. She was way out of her league trying to defend the scumbag that attacked a mother traveling with her children.

  11. Tucker’s comment about “stick to thigh high boots” was in reference to an article written by his guest about thigh high boots. She was way out of her league trying to defend the scumbag that attacked a mother traveling with her children.

  12. Smug old crone.
    If Sharia triumphs, neither she, nor her businesses nor her money will survive the downfall of the West she is smugly inciting.

    Her bio claims her mother was liberated from Auschwitz. Thanks entirely to an army of white Christian alpha males shooting their large full-auto assault rifles.

    The Left must be eradicated.

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