Dumb Leftists Get Violent After Not Understanding Point of Affirmative Action Bake Sale – IOTW Report

Dumb Leftists Get Violent After Not Understanding Point of Affirmative Action Bake Sale

College Fix-

College Republicans at the University of Washington held an “affirmative action bake sale” last week, voicing their opposition to a new law that allows affirmative action policies at public universities in the state.

The Stranger reported that the Republicans priced the baked goods according to an ethnic hierarchy of sorts. Native Americans, for instance, were charged nothing for cookies; all women, meanwhile, got 25 percent off. Asians had to pay $1.50 for their snack, the highest of the prices.

According to The Stranger, there was some confusion by what the event meant. One professor who attended said that the display constituted “harassment,” and that the event organizers were claiming that “African American lives are worth 50 cents.”

THIS WAS A “PROFESSOR”!!!! This idiot sees a cookie priced at 50 cents for blacks and they think this means blacks are worth 50 cents. -bfh

(The school’s president, Ana Mari Cauce, offered a similarly confused assessment of the bake sale; in an interview with The Chronicle of Higher Education Cauce said that the sale presented “an allusion that different people were worth different amounts.”)

“At one point one girl came up to cookies we had, smashed them on the ground in the middle of the crowd… another person took the phone of someone who had a MAGA hat at the event… there were a lot of people yelling at us,” Chevy Swanson, the president of the Republican group, told The College Fix.


This reminds me of monkeys who fling poo when they get stressed by confusion.


10 Comments on Dumb Leftists Get Violent After Not Understanding Point of Affirmative Action Bake Sale

  1. the Left often reminds me of the Chimps at the monolith scene in the 2001 sci-fi movie. When they don’t understand something they have a ChimpOut and become violent

  2. I was reading about this elsewhere. The article I read said that this particular Republican group has a history of ‘inciting violence’ – by which it meant that leftists got violent when they were present, not that they were violent.

  3. There is no humor, no fun, no happy happy joy joy in Cultural Marxism. Humorous satire of Cukrural Marxist’ Dogma deserve to have their cookies combed. Do Not smile!

  4. You can’t even use witty sarcasm anymore to make points of reason because reason and truth (as in truth, justice, and the American way…) don’t exist anymore.

    Liberals preach but they can’t be taught.

  5. The transference of anger towards cookies is highly amusing. The cookies are not tainted, why smash them?

    Think about it. The protesters, who had issues with the sellers, focused their anger on…….cookies.

    I don’t even care about the politics. People who smash cookies are nazis.


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